JQ Lee JQ Lee

Cheap Grace: Thrifty & Expendable!

The Grace of God is a Gift extended to us that we do not always see in its full splendor. It has a substantive; yet undeserving label attached to it. Not fully understanding the depth of Grace can cause us to hold it haphazardly. There is a weight to Grace that should be understood and humbly embraced.

The Greek word connected to Grace is Charis, it also speaks to favor, kindness, and life. Let’s trek to Mary, Jesus’ mother for a moment to water a point. In Luke 1:30, Mary finds a level of favor with God that allows her to birth the Savior of the World! The Grace to rear and guide the One she too would surrender to and follow. The Grace to be misunderstood and yet remain committed for prophecy to be fulfilled.

“So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,”which is translated, “God with us.” -Matthew 1:22-23

You see, there is nothing cheap about the Grace bestowed upon us. Grace extended will always Cost the Giver more than the recipient. However, the recipient should forever keep in mind the Price Paid by the Giver!

Examples usually have to park at our front door before we truly get the point conveyed. If you saved two years earnings and you decided to gift your neighbor an item that was purchased through sweat and tears, and they either never opened it or chose to leave it by the trash pile, you would be certain that they did not take into consideration the cost, nor the sacrifice. Your mind would go to an ungratefulness as it relates to them.

It is important that we know the back story that fuels Grace. The Grace of God is not bought with Expectation Dollars. It is a Gift with a price tag that is paid by the posture of our hearts. The interesting reality about the Look of God’s Grace is that the wealth of it can be found in a manger instead of a palace!

Cheap Grace devalues the essence of God gifting us with the empowerment to fulfill His Will. The onus will be on us to maintain a weighty cost to what we have not earned. The Favor of God will forever be an opportunity for us to remain humble and grateful.

Thrifty and expendable is not the view that the Sons & Daughters of God take concerning Grace. Domino Effects happen when we see Grace as Cheap and can have long term ramifications. Oh, but when we see Grace as God intends for us to see it- What was torn down like the Walls in Jerusalem, Nehemiah and the men built in record time and impacted and protected a nation!

The right view of Charis…Grace / Favor / Kindness / Life can have one do a lot in 52 days! Allow the appreciation for the Grace of God to not only have you rebuild, but reinforce the gaps that were made be cheapening Grace, just as they did with the Walls in Jerusalem!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal what God has allowed you to overcome and grow through by empowering you with His Grace.


To the Most High God, the One who has gifted me with life. Thank you for allowing me to truly count the cost. There is nothing thrifty or expendable about You. You gave your only begotten Son that we may have life and have it more abundantly! There is nothing cheap about the sacrificial offering of the Savior! Thank you for allowing us to experience the weight of your Glory. As you continue to make us ready, prepare our hearts to always show up and pay the full price. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Valentine’s Message with Much Love: When God said to me, “Before He Cheated on You, You Cheated on Me!”

As we prepare for Valentine’s Day- A day that is supposed to be full of Acts of Love and Kindness. There is a heartfelt message that will shed a profound light on how you can truly enjoy the day to the fullest! Have no fear. This Blog is actually not intended to focus on the bashing of February 14th; rather the intent is to magnify the makings of interactions that give God Glory.

I can remember the heart-wrenching words from my First Love, as if it happened 24 hours ago! I had just rededicated my life to the Lord. I made a vow that I did not believe would be broken concerning abstaining from sexual immorality. I felt like I was Wonder Woman with the decision I made to honor the Lord with my body. I went into the relationship telling the one I was dating about the vow I made to the Lord, and how there would be No Relations without a Name Change!

That declaration was pretty strong for about 365 days and then the Wonder from the Super Power began to wonder what it would be like to be with him intimately. After all, he was not constantly pressuring me. However, the Standard began to shift. From stay overs to compromising time spent that was making it increasingly more difficult to maintain the vow!

I went from Wonder Woman to the Woman who Wandered into Sin! I took the bait! Not from him, but from Satan, by putting confidence in my flesh. The vow was trampled on and then broken!

After the vow was broken, I went into the clean it up and make it fit mode. We were going into year two and spending a lot of time together. Surely, our relationship would lead to marriage. Surely, this would be the last man that I would be with. Surely, this would not lead with an ending that had me in a fetal position, when it was all said and done!

Sin has an uncanny way of making the strongest one break and the Prideful Fall! I was the Sister-friend who listened to her friends talk about their heartbreak. I was the one bandaging my Sisters back to finding their self-esteem and healing their hearts. Painfully transparent truth, in my heart of hearts, I believed I would never experience what many of them had experienced! UNTIL! Until the Love Story became a Nightmare! What I once thought was built on love because of all the connecting, laughs, trips, and support, in the first 365 days became a Horror Story of Lust and betrayal!

It would be impossible for me to bash the Ex, because my first relationship was with God. The decisions that I made for that earthly relationship began to eclipse what I had with the One who kept me and transformed my life!

While being in that fetal position and crying out to God saying, “HE CHEATED ON ME!” In the most loving Voice, I have ever heard in my life, God said, “Before he cheated on you, you cheated on Me!” There was no amount of words that I could muster up to express the pain I felt concerning that response from God. It was the catalyst to the journey of turning over my desires and my thoughts of thinking I could keep myself.

That Season of my life involved repentance, humility, redirection, accountability, and gratefulness. Out of that pain, God gave me another chance and even allowed me to be restored in an area that left a huge hole in my heart. God has a way to make you over where you even long to be placed in an opportunity for God to shine through you, in an area that you once failed in!

I leave you with this. If you are in a relationship, let February 14th be about 3 instead of 2. Allow God to be glorified through your courtship. There is nothing like learning about one another and loving on each other through the eyes of God. When that foundation is built correctly, not even the sky will be the limit for how much God will bless your relationship!

Enjoy all of your festivities, from Valentine’s to Galentine’s! Here’s to waking up the next day…Guilt-free❣️

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal a love letter to the Lord!


Father God, Thank You for the opportunity to love others here on earth. May you be glorified in my Courtship Season. May you be involved from the start to the finish. You would never bless me with the gift of your son to dishonor You. May I love him far beyond the heart to the protecting of his soul! Thank you, God for an ability to walk out purity. Thank you for empowering me in a time where sin is glossed over instead of abhorred! Thank you for teaching me how to hate what you hate and LOVE WHAT YOU LOVE! You absolutely love Relationships done Righteously! Bless your Holy Name! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

A Bridge Must be Built Before You Cross It: There is Safety in Process!

“London bridges falling down, falling down. London bridges falling down, my fair lady.” This old nursery rhyme has much speculation concerning its origin. Some stories acclaim that the song’s depiction is related to years of structural damage and dilapidation of the London Bridge over the years and yet there being a desire to repair it.

BigRentz, a leader in Construction Rental Equipment talks about the 5 Steps in Building a Bridge:

•Site Inspection and Planning

•Setting the Foundation

•Installing Piers and Bridge Supports

•Completing the Superstructure

•Final Quality and Safety Inspections

In the Site Inspection and Planning Stage, the surrounding soil is examined for “strength, depth, land layout and other elements to ensure the safety and durability of the final structure.” Way before crossing the bridge, the surroundings are assessed.

The Bridge to the Cross:

Examining the surrounding people, places, and things will allow us to see if they can withstand the Weight of the Cross. Will the Weight of His Glory be in the forefront when developing? Is the Cost considered or is there a haste to cross more than there is to build it according to His specifications like [they] did concerning the Temple?

In Setting the Foundation, piers are structurally planted to ensure the sustainability of the weight that is to come. The selection of the materials is essential to the structure remaining.

The Bridge to the Cross:

Our foundation as Believers, will determine truly what we are made of. The Bible is our material that we meditate on to sustain our structure. Our very being depends on us interpreting the Word and living thereby. The Bible is what allows our foundation to be unshakable and able to withstand any element.

In the Stage of Installing Piers and Bridge Supports, going down deep enough with the piers now allows them to build supporting structures to sustain the bridge.

The Bridge to the Cross:

In this Stage of a Believer’s Life, it is vitally important to have supporting individuals who play a part in your sustainability and ability to be used by God. Godly Counsel is not just good; it is likened to the air that we breathe. Being around those whom co-sign our carnality can cause much injury to one’s daily use by God!

In the Completing the Superstructure Stage, there is a focus on the area that will directly receive the load. It has a huge focus on withstanding elements like the wind and erosion. Materials are especially carefully selected as they will determine the level of safety connected to the bridge.

The Bridge to the Cross:

The Process of being built in one’s faith is not a light act. Nor, is it something that should be seen as a 100 yard dash. The intentionality and careful planning through the Word of God prepares us for the cross over. This also involves Heart Work. It is a protection that prevents a stony heart and creates one that is plausible and penetrating for God’s love to flow through.

In the Final Quality and Safety Inspections, several Safety Tests are implemented to ensure that the bridge will be able to stand and remain in a functioning state.

The Bridge to the Cross:

Just as in the natural, the bridge goes through a series of tests; the Believer will also be tested. God allows occurrences to take place for us to examine if our anchor holds. Have we planted in good soil? Have we considered the people, places, and things around us? Have we gone down deep enough with the piers of the Word?Crossing over the bridge was never intended for one person. It was developed for many lives to travel across it. It is not the road less traveled in regards to usage. It is the very structure that allows one to cross what at one point and time was not possible.

I end with a very popular phrase, “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” As off-putting as that may sound, it is also presumptuous in nature to think that showing up in the moment to address something and absent of the preparation to meet it will give you the power to cross it. I heard someone mention the work that an Olympic runner put in to cross over the finish line- Over 10 years to run 10 seconds!

Remember, there is Great Safety in Process! Preparation and Planning Matter! Having deep roots BiblicallyMatter! Being mindful of the number of people Crossing Matter! Hearing Well Done because you withstood and weathered the Storms of Life will Forever Matter!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down what you feel you have put into the building process of crossing the Bridges in your life.


Father God, you are the ultimate Engineer of my life. Thank you for the time that you spend in building me in You. Your loving kindness continues to empower me to cross over. Keep me sensitive to my crossing over always involving others. You are the difference Maker in my life. May my decisions bring Glory to You, as I continue to cross the Bridges in our lives! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Prayer: A Lowly & Faithful Posture, Not just a Panic Petition.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Prayer, this communion and continual exchange with God. It is the Ultimate Dialogue. It is this first priority; rather than last resort act. One may read the aforementioned passage of scripture and wonder how it would be possible to pray without ceasing. Your mind may immediately go to all that is done in the course of a day and the responsibility that is placed on you. Do we take the time to acknowledge that the One who gives us the strength to get through the days riddled with “Must Do Lists” desires and deserves time with us?

We often look for outs to say why something may not be able to be done; therefore seeing “praying without ceasing” as an impossible task will cause us to miss being able to look for the beautiful ins that praying gives us with the Lord! Praying without ceasing comforts, redirects, settles, and guides. It is a posture to seek the ways and Will of the Father.

I think my life took a great shift when I really understood that Prayer is a dialogue; not this petition of monologues of me simply bringing to God what I want. Intimacy with God brings about this level of access that ushers in a Heart Speech that even when the Speech is a Hard Word, because of that relationship and what has been invested, it is still received.

Being able to go to God in our time of trouble is greatly appreciated. However, in a human relationship, what would your view be of someone who says they love you, but only wants to see you when they are downtrodden? God really wants to have an intimate and growing relationship with us. He desires for us to have the opportunity to learn more of Him through prayer and fellowship.

The lowliness of prayer keeps us in right standings. We must approach Him with a mindful heart of His sovereignty and honor. We are not to go to Him commanding, nor should we petition Him in a way that assumes that His Will will always align with our desires. While we are still putting the luggage in the car, His Thoughts are already at the destination.

A faithful posture of prayer places the onus on us to believe. God has already shown His trustworthiness and ability to carry out what He has purposed. In your time of prayer do not rush the moment of adoration unto Him. We are going before the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords!” The One who is “I am that I am.” The One who has never lost a battle! That Truth deserves the correct posture and response. Just as we trusted our natural fathers not to drop us- How much more, Our Heavenly Father?

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal some of the challenges that you have experienced in your prayer life. What has been hindrances in you having a beautiful dialogue with God?


Father God, so much is found in having a relationship with you. Your presence is more than life to me. The vastness of your love and tender care settles my thoughts and aligns my heart with your Will. I will continue to humble myself under your mighty hand. Father God, be glorified even in my prayer life. May I remain confident in your Will and not my own. May this alabaster pour forever be poured with the cost in mind of what Your Son has paid. Thank you for capturing my heart, mind, and soul. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Courtship Goals: Your Light Allows Me to Flourish!

In the navigation of being interested in someone today, the GPS can most certainly lead to dead ends, if we are not mindful. There is a reason why people often prefer to travel to an unknown place by day, as opposed to night. The condition of light allows one to see more. The landmarks are more prevalent. The surrounding edifices and structures are more pronounced. Just as the S-U-N brings about a vivid visibility; the S-O-N floods us with an amazing visual of clarity.

God is too good to have us clueless when it comes to courtship. You will not find God going silent when it comes to whom He will connect you with for His Glory. As a child, instructions were given to Samson on whom he was to marry. As a Nazarene, a life was designed for him to bring Glory to God. He forgot the Lord God in his selection of a mate. Not adhering to continuing to navigate in light caused Samson to ultimately connect with a woman, who was a part of his demise.

Unfortunately, Relationships are often a Decision of Autonomy. It is the desire that God is asked to stop the car to change positions for one to become the driver. It is interesting how much the wrong connection will drive one into either roads of loops or dead ends. They can either keep you in loops of repeat-mode of unfruitful relationships or it will bring one to abrupt dead ends impeding the progression that God intended for your life.

The engagement of courtship is this beautiful scenic route of the journey of God knitting two together. It is not casual in nature; nor is it cavalier in intentions. It will touch one’s ability to sacrifice and think of one more than yourself. Not from a place of idol worship, but from wanting with everything in you to protect that individual’s soul.

There is something so euphoric about crossing paths with someone whose pursuit for God is so massive that it lights up a stadium. That light illuminates to the point of allowing someone in the upper level, who is 100 to 200 feet away from the field to witness every play! The same light allows the players to perform in their intended roles. Their skillset is not showcased in darkness, the most intricate details of the game winning acts are seen by there being light. Fans actually get to benefit off of the work of the players because of the function of the light.

How much more in a courtship will you flourish by connecting with someone whose light is like a lighthouse? One that cannot be hidden, even if they tried. The goodness of God exudes through their very being. Once again, we miss the Shout Moment by not celebrating the greatness of a Godly Connect. It will be one of the gifts given by the Father for you to flourish. May you thrive in practices that honor God. May the Wait be Worth it. May God exceed your Courtship Goals by 10 football field lengths!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal the practices of someone who is involved in a courtship that allows for one to flourish and give God Glory through the connect.


Father God, the thought of how you Match Make is beyond our comprehension. Thank You for being intentional with every area of our lives. Your pursuit allowed me to pursue Your heart. You are purposeful and all encompassing in placing Your character in us. May the fruit of our Courtships cause you to stand. May our practices grasp even the attention of this Lost World. You have made us a peculiar people to avoid being tainted by this World System. Thank you for taking us the long way! There are No Dead Ends in You. Eternally grateful to see Your Divine Plan come to fruition. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

“Just Try Him” Really has No Place in the Life of a Christ Follower!

What we lead with is just as important as what we put our anchor in to ultimately reach our desired destination in God! Words are essential to the life of a Believer. We can have truly the best intentions, and miss the mark by a landslide. Through the course of this blog, think about what Jesus did and how His life pleased the Father, even when Jesus navigated through hardship.

“Just try Him” resonates as a statement that gives a comparable option. When we know that there is nothing or no one who will fulfill us like the Lord. Garments and jewelry are tried on, but never Jesus! The statement wreaks of the inability of the flesh to truly know who Jesus is and the role He plays in our lives! It is the Spirit Man who understands what is birthed by Him making us over.

“Just try Him” can have someone walk away from the Savior because after the try, everything they prayed for did not happen, as a matter of fact- the bottom literally fell out! The fallacy of “Just try Him” is a misrepresentation, because Jesus does not speak from Plan B’s. He is absolute in His delivery and our need for Him! Matthew 19:29 is not a try, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother [a]or children or farms for My name’s sake will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.” It is a mandate for what is required to be with Him for all eternity.

Accepting Christ has never been about a temporary fix. We need Him like the air that we breathe. We cheapen the desperation of our heart for a Savior by painting Jesus as One to be tried. He is not a last resort. He is the One our soul longs for. Our existence prior to Christ speaks to this barren land; an emptiness and unfulfillment not simply because things did not work out. It is our detector of the void that only Christ can fulfill.

“Just try Him” has people enter the only relationship that has eternity stamped on it like they will be met with something better. Witness to people “Just Jesus”- not Jesus & Prosperity; not Jesus & Therapy; not Jesus & A Test Drive! Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek ye’ first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added.” The latter part of Matthew Chapter 6 speaks to the anxiousness to worry when He clothes the grass of the fields, how much more will He clothe you?

Beloved, Jesus will never be a try on and off. He is a penetrator of the heart. His character changes our Spiritual DNA and exudes his sweet aroma through our pores. He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That is Staying Power Talk, Not Try on!

Divine Work & Pray:

WORK: Jot down in your journal your current image of Christ in your life. Have you been treating Him like He is one of your options or your only option? What are ways that you can strengthen your decision to be a follower of Christ?

PRAY: Father God, Thank you for fulfilling the void in my life for a Savior. The need for You has made my heart long to please You. Thank you for this beautiful image of spending eternity with You. You deserve a full surrender. Strengthen my heart to choose your path no matter what comes. May my heart and mind be in sync to Your heartbeat and plan. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

When We Pray: Does Devastation Draw Us Nearer to the Cross?

The New Year has come in with heart-wrenching events! A world plagued with wars, terrorist acts, and environmental devastation! We usually bombard January with external goals that we hope will bring about internal gratification. We fill up the gyms; stock up on the newest fad of healthy fiddles; and pursue our career path with vigor. There is the burst of energy to accomplish what is met with daily urgency that often seems to fade before the quarter ends.

We are often asked to pray when devastation happens; as we should. However, how expansive are those prayers? How in depth do we go to see the needful thing? In the most unusual and uncanny way, we have made the Salvation Talk insensitive in the time of chaos! How is that possible? If someone loses everything on earth and has their breath- cry out to God and repent and be accepted into the Body as His own- Would that not be everything?

Earth is not any of our homes. We will either find Heaven or Hell as our Eternity Address when it is said and done. Feeding, clothing, sheltering, and aiding people in their time of loss will always be an admiral act, but may Believers never be guilty of not giving them the true needful thing! For after we have fed, clothed, sheltered, and aided them- have we made the Ultimate Introduction; which is to Christ?

My heart goes out to Believers all over the world who actually find themselves battling whether they will come off as insensitive to witness during times of devastation. 2 Timothy 2:4 says, “No soldier when in service gets entangled in the enterprises of [civilian] life; his aim is to satisfy and please the one who enlisted him.” We do not know the heart of God if we see this as an insensitive statement! In the natural, there is no way a soldier would be able to truly perform his or her duty if their focus is on every trial and tribulation they left at home. God has endowed us with a power to witness the most devastating events and still be able to witness!

I believe it is a strategic plan from the Enemy to impact our focus and ability to compartmentalize, even devastation. Whenever God sends us to do a work, He has already factored in calamity. He knows perilous times are ahead and they will call for us to remain sober-minded and sensitive to His leading.

After devastation, We need to pray prayers that bring us closer to the Cross. Prayers that have us respond like Jesus. Petitions that suit us up in the whole armor to be able to withstand the fiery darts. Lord. Put us in remembrance of how much we owe you to be first responders for Heaven!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal what the series of events you are witnessing is doing to your heart; is it affecting your faith and prayer life?

Prayer for Believers on the Frontline during Devastation:

Brothers and Sisters, who are first responders, God has equipped you to do the work both in the natural and Spirit. With earnest prayers, we pray your strength to reach Souls in despair. We pray that you do not faint, but remain steadfast and on your assigned post. Your “Yes” to God comes with the arsenal to withstand. There is a great work before us. “The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few.” Remember your promise to God. If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. Lord, with hearts sometimes heavy, may we never eclipse the need for You to be glorified in our lives! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Celebrate in the Hallway Before the Door Opens!

If many of us reflect on 2024, it was a whopper of a year! Transitional periods are often a myriad of ebbs and flows. They test our ability to be able to reset and recalibrate. In the midst of a challenging year, what did we learn? What can never be taken from you? What are lessons that are helping to shape you for what is to come?

There are times that we want to get out of something so badly, that we do not focus on what it is building in us. Just as one embarking on a fitness journey. The pain and sacrifice in the beginning can blind us from focusing in on the progression. Transition can bring about a greater appreciation or deeper resentment for what is not accomplished.

This year was very sobering in so many ways. It was the realization of some of my new normals, from losing my grandmother; to pivots in my business; to dying more to self! I had very earnest moments of saying how I was choosing to come out of my challenges! I made a concerted effort to not allow life’s circumstances to force my hands down. There was a Vow I made to God and I intended to keep it! My hands would remain lifted! God never failed me, because there is no failure in Him. I vowed to give Him what is due to Him!

You see, God is not just good on the mountain, His goodness deeply expressed in our values! There are moments that He lovingly speaks to us through His Word. There are other times when His presence is so intense, that there are no words spoken, just His beauty and care on display.

Give yourself permission to not always have to get through the Open Door to Celebrate. The Hallway can be a great dress rehearsal! It is the place where we wait in anticipation. It is the location where the Love of God is embraced as you ponder on how faithful He remains.

He is not only through the Open Door. He promised to never leave us; nor forsake us. Therefore, as we wait in the Hallway of 2024 ready to go into the Door of 2025, pull out the Sparkling Cider & Party Favors!

2024 was certainly full of challenges:

Yes, you were broken in 2024!

Yes, tears flooded your pillowcase!

Yes, it was beyond what you could handle!

Yes, friendships ended!

Yes, the relationship did not withstand!

Oh, but what 2024 also did…

It strengthened your trust in God!

It caused you to put your whole weight on God and experience Him in a way that had never been imagined.

It left you with your hands raised in praise!

Transitions are one of the Most Maturing Agents and it will cause one to truly evaluate not only our decisions, but how we treat God in the midst. Every Hallway Occurrence also has Witnesses. No Hater Talk here.

There are people in that hallway with you that have seen your life up close and personal and the way that you have navigated and triumphed has not only encouraged them, but caused them to lean in all the more to God! This is a part of why the Hallway should also be a Praise Fest! There is nothing like being hit with trials and tribulations and your whole squad have their hands lifted in praise because at the end of the day- God has done it again!!! Kept you; Protected you; and Implanted His Love so deeply in you that it has changed your Spiritual DNA!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal what you are grateful your trials and tribulations produced in you in 2024 that you get the privilege to take into 2025!


Oh God, how excellent is your Name in all the earth. When I think about how you have kept me and matured me, my heart cries out…gratefulness! Grateful for how you have allowed life to not triumph over me, but through you- produce a resiliency that brags on you. You have allowed me to come out better and not bitter. You have turned my mourning into dancing. You deserve the glory and honor. Life is worth living because of You. Thank you for the ability to praise you at all times! May 2025 find me crucifying my flesh more for the Hallway Witnesses to see You and glorify You! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

What Do the “Missing You” Do for Christmas?

It is the time of season where there are an influx of feelings for many. Decorations and planning are in full force. Stores are packed with people looking for the perfect Christmas gifts, as well as fulfilling the long wish list from the little Gifts from God aka Our Children- the Little Withdrawal Makers. In all seriousness, a day that is supposed to acknowledge the birth of Jesus Christ can be met with heart-wrenching sorrow.

A time of togetherness can be eclipsed by loved ones no longer being present to share the laughs and family time. It seems like everything reminds you of them. Things that were a tradition quickly become a painful reminder of their absence.

It is interesting because one of the first celebrations for me after my grandmother transitioned was my birthday. Honestly, I did not know how the first “Without her” moment would be. I chose to get away and spent it in New York. A friend who lives there did an exceptional job in making sure I took the time to celebrate life!

That trip was such a great lesson for me. It drove away the guilt of smiling again; of being able to celebrate without her. My grandmother was such a vibrant Spirit. There are so many memories that I hold dear. Her life left me with far greater than her death took from me!

Friend, you can enjoy the holiday season, and honor your loved ones in how you navigate through life. Everyday is a precious gift from God. Take a moment (Activity Insert), inhale and then exhale. Those were literally two gifts from God. We should not have to have a ventilator experience to recognize all of our many blessings connected to just breathing.

Remember the “Why” for Christmas. Jesus is and should be the Reason for the Season. After all, His Name begins the holiday- CHRISTmas. There are so many Special Ways to incorporate past traditions and create new ones. Allow your memories of loved ones to bring smiles as you make a conscious effort in having their fingerprint throughout your festivities.

Here’s some ideas to have a Merry & Christ-centered holiday that will be enriching to family and friends:

🎁 Share the Story of Christ’s Birth

🎁 Sing Happy Birthday to Jesus

🎁 Adopt a Family and provide a meal

🎁 Adopt a Child and provide a gift

🎁 Visit a Senior Center or Nursing Home

🎁 Have everyone pitch in for the dinner planning

🎁 Mix it up, who says it has to be a dinner, and who says the menu has to be traditional?

🎁 Play Family Games

🎁 Create a Gathering Theme

🎁 Take lots of pictures and videos

❤️ Make sure the entire family eats together and create a Family Tradition that allows the Adults and Children to interact

Friend, you will always have moments of missing them, but it does not mean new moments cannot be created to honor them. We can actually choose to laugh, again as we reflect on them and what they would be doing &/or saying during this holiday season. Remember, Jesus Christ’s birthday should be a time of rejoicing. He is the Greatest Gift, and we have been given the Gift of Life!

What do the “Missing You” do for Christmas? They remember who deserves to be celebrated in all Seasons of their lives! They choose the Joy of the Lord over sorrow. They function from a grateful place and make the effort to move beyond their varying emotions. They realize how they honor their loved ones by living a life poured out and remaining thankful!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal what you are grateful for and include things taught to you by your loved ones who have transitioned.


Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your Name in all the earth. You are worthy to be celebrated daily. During this Christmas season, help us to be mindful of our honor towards You. There will never be another gift greater than You. In a season, where the pain of loss grips some, use us as vessels to reach out and spread cheer. Thank you for being so present and continuing to show that we are never alone. Thank You for the time that you have given to us with our loved ones, may their lives be honored by how we live our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

The Gift of God’s Healing Builds Us to Walk into Unimaginable Places!

Healing is not only an Act of Wholeness in God, it is also a gift that allows us to experience the dunamis power of the Father. It is a miracle bestowed upon us to keep the most powerful thing- the first thing. It will never share position with what hurt you; betrayed you; nor broke your Spirit! Too often, we think about the ability to do acts simply from our human being status. However, as Spirit beings, there are characteristics that align with who God is and what we are able to carry out through Him.

Let’s look more at the Gift of Healing that was given to us. Do we really delve into the thought of God giving you a Gift? Do we take the time to understand that there is No Lack in anything that God gives us. Take it off the shelf with anything else. There is no tragedy or injustice that trumps being able to experience complete healing!

The perspective that God gives us concerning healing goes beyond a fleshly understanding. Every time that we hold on to hurt, we allow ourselves to be re-injured. It is like voluntarily signing up to fight a heavy weight champion, with no protective measures. The Healing of God, it protects our heart. Not from a place of never being hurt again; rather it does not allow the offense or trial to take permanent residence in our hearts!

Saints, we continue to miss our shout! Matthew 15 speaks of a Canaanite woman who petitions Jesus to heal her daughter of her demons. Many will harp on the initial response of Jesus, but if we remain mindful of there being no unfairness or ill-will in Him, like the Canaanite woman did. We will be able to keep the first thing first- the healing of her daughter, not a possible offense. Going for broke in faith and how we approach God can truly cause Him to take notice. Her posture of humility as she knelt and her desperation as she asked in spite of…is really a great example on what we often forfeit by holding on to what attributed to our hearts being broken.

I would be remiss, if a light was not also shed on Healing from Loss. There are 5 Stages to the Grieving Process: Denial , Anger, Bargaining , Depression, and Acceptance. I share them not to expound on them, as much as they are written today to say that it does not end there. The Healing of God will help us to triumphantly get through each stage. We try to do so such in our own strength. When it is really the joy of the Lord that is our strength. If Grief is given an unending status, it robs God of the Glory and the potency that His Word has over our lives. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” It then goes on to say in verse 4, “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” God does not intend for us to stay in Seasons indefinitely. The Master orchestrates a plan for us to be able to move through the ebbs and flows of life with grace and obedience.

I bring this power of the pen moment to a close talking about pivots that Believers must be prepared to make through this Journey. David and Joab have a powerful exchange in 2 Samuel 19, after being told that David’s son, Absalom is no longer with them. David was reminded of his responsibility in the midst of mourning his son. The natural inclination is to think, that it would be insensitive of Joab to belt out such a statement, but spiritually, when souls continue to be on the line- God can and will require acts of us beyond our human ability. I propose to you the thought of God knowing just how encompassing His Healing is; our Sovereign God knows the Work of His Wholeness. From the View of God, nothing shall be impossible for us to carry out when it comes to His Will being manifested!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal some areas you feel like have not been healed, because you are still holding on to hurt & loss. Identify areas that God has healed you in and what the process took for you to get to that place in Him.


Father God, to the One who is able to rescue; set free; and make me entirely over. Thank you for allowing healing to be my portion. It is a feast that continues to give substance and life. Your healing allows us to remain laser beam focused on what You are doing in the earth realm. Keep us mindful of the responsibility and accountability to have Your ear. I remain in awe of Your care, love, & provision. You have healed wounds that once bled out on others. Oh, but now…we get to share that there is a Balm in Gilead! In Your Matchless Name, I pray. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Girls Trip Gone Right- We are Stronger Together!

Recently, I was invited to join a dear Sister/Friend for her milestone birthday out of the country, with her friends. I do not typically take Girl Trips with people I do not know. However, a welcomed exception was made for this jewel of a woman! I do not remember ever inviting her to anything that she has not made arrangements to support.

Where did the original trepidation come from, you may ask? Well, if anyone has gone on a Girls Trip with people whom you know and it was met with challenges, envision being around people you have never met and wondering if your personalities would gel. It really got me to pondering on how much we could miss out on, because we have allowed a past experience to be cemented in our hearts in a permanent marker instead of written in pencil, so that it can be replaced by a better one.

The Honoree implemented some wonderful means for us to transition into a trip that will go down in the history books as, “A great time was had!”

Here are some Transitional Tools for a great Trip:

•Create a Group Thread

•Host a Virtual Meet up before the Trip

•Share Travel Arrangements for Travelers to arrive and depart together

•Increase the excitement by sharing an Itinerary

•Share Videos concerning the Travel Destination

•Create some Theme Days for Attire & Unity

The Honoree came out of her own comfort zone to pull off her Birthday Excursion. She had sister/friends in mind for who she would invite, but she did not know if their schedules would permit, or even if they would agree to go out of the country. There is something so beautiful about God placing things on your heart and through obedience, not only you, but the ones who participate get a chance to experience the wonderful and rich fruit of that decision!

Each day built up an exceptional encounter with eight women! The early morning risings to get dressed; the late night chats and laugh ‘til you cry moments; and even the first time activities that were planned to get us to authentically experience the island.

This Girls Trip dispelled and debunked the thoughts that many have about women getting together. Not one day of cattiness or offense. Each guest made a concerted effort to be mindful of the group dynamics and respecting each other. Our love for the Honoree took front and center.

I believe what was birthed out of that trip were hearts that were open to the possibilities outside of our comfort zones. I was compelled to write a blog on the experience, because often times, what makes the headlines are the Drama-filled, Housewives Reality television trips! Phenomenal Girls Trips should not only be shared, but also more actively planned and pursued!

Some of the phenomenal decisions made concerning the trip:

•Selecting an Air BNB option to have less restrictions concerning your stay

•Water Excursion w/ a Tour Guide

•Photoshoot at various landmarks


•Restaurants on the Marina

•Experiencing the native food

Finally, to those who may still have some reservations, here are some tips specifically for you to have a most enjoyable time:

•Be open to change

•If you want to sit out for one of the outings, respectfully share and refrain from complaining about it being too much to do. *Remember, everyone is experiencing different things all in the same space

•Make an effort to socialize and get to know one another

•Be intentional about decreasing the stress level of the Guest of Honor

•Be respectful of the time share- from communal space to even conversations

I end this Blog, giving a Huge Bouquet of Thanks to the fabulous Guest of Honor, Reebs for pulling off a magnetic and exhilarating Girls Trip! You showed the beauty in women getting together and celebrating one another! Reebs, you did that!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal some challenges you have had with Girls Trips and how it has impacted your view on them. If you have never experienced one, are you inspired to do one? If so, jot down some names and get to dialing.


Father God, there are so many things that we can learn about your growth process by availing ourselves. May past experiences not hinder us from the beauty of new ones. Your Word tells us to “fight to keep the unity of the brethren.” Your Living Word also tells us that, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly…” Thank you for the opportunity afforded to us to be our Sisters’ Keepers. We are stronger together. May connections that are rich in love, favor, wisdom, and understanding be our portion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

What’s in a Conviction?

Conviction is a gift! Hear me out- we will always divinely go places with the conversation. The Word of God says, “He chastens those whom He loves.” -Hebrews 12:6 It is the love of God to correct His Own. Conviction is a safety measure and Act of Love for the Believer back to the Father. He left us with the Holy Spirit to lead us in all Truth.

We do not fully consider how much of a blessing has been bestowed upon us. Fathom the thought of life before Christ. Not all of our actions were thought to be sinful or missing the mark.

At times, we felt our actions were justified. The blessing is in Him making us over and being able to walk in the awareness of what truly pleases God. Conviction may not feel good, but it is a barometer gauge to share when we veer from the narrow path.

Years ago, I remember being met with the term “narrow-minded” from a place of honor and not a term denoting a negative connotation. The Word of God speaks of us remaining on the narrow path, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” -Matthew7:13-14 It started me to thinking, there has to be a mindset to keep one on a narrow path. Thoughts and actions that speak to keeping one on a path that is less traveled. Narrow-minded thinking is aligning with the ways of God.

A Conviction should be met with great circumspection, instead of only seeing it punitively. The Word says, “He chastens those whom He loves.” As a Good Father, He allows us to experience His displeasure when we are one of His children. Before someone reaches a reprobate mind, they have received grave warnings to not only refrain from the act, but also turn to God. He has endowed us with a strength that allows a righteous life to be our portion.

What’s in a Conviction? A hope to do an about face to please the Father and remain on a narrow road that will lead to Him. Remember, ultimately Conviction is a Gift of Grace and Mercy!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal how you feel when convicted. Are you finding that your level of conviction is not as potent as it once was, in the past? How is your relationship with God impacted when you veer from the narrow path?


Father God, your love for us goes beyond what we deserve. Thank you for chastening those whom you love. Our mission is not to continually break your heart. You have empowered us to please you. Our hope is found in you. You have entirely changed our appetite. May your righteousness engulf us and settle our Spirit to live a life that keeps us on the narrow path. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

When God Hides You in Plain Sight!

Attention, Attention…Calling all Single Saints to the floor! Have you ever considered why God would shut down access to you? Have you ever thought about the Greatest Matchmaker of all time hiding you in plain sight? Have you questioned the length of time since your last “get acquainted” season? These can be some of the most sobering and pondering moments.

God is strategic and timely. He can have the two of you live in different countries; know nothing about one another; one misses a flight and ends up having lunch in the same restaurant that you were awaiting your flight! He bumps into you by accident and the rest is his & her story.

It is more than a fairytale or cinematic encounter. Take the limits off of God for how that first meeting will unfold. There is a misnomer that often brings about an anxiousness with Believers, because people comment about them never being able to find anyone because they are always in church! That statement is waited with carnality and unbelief.

I believe a question should be introduced to this conversation of feeling the need to “put yourself out there.” Do you believe that God is involved with two meeting and eventually saying, “I Do” or is it left up entirely to the two individuals? Does His assignment for your life also factor in who you become One with?

The Bible has extraordinary examples of the triumphant and debasing connections between interested parties. Abigail had the wherewithal to run out to David to plead for the life of her husband Nabal, to spare his life. Joseph protected Mary from public shame concerning her being with child, prior to them being wedded. We also see the consequences of wrong connections! Samson’s eyes were captured by Delilah and the very same eyes were gouged out by him connected with whom God did not intend for him to be with!

One of my most treasured stories to continually glean from is the life of Esther! The story far exceeds her title as Queen! There are profound Truths in Esther that speaks to her making for the assignment. JJ Hairston has a song entitled, “Bigger.” The thought is often to believe that Bigger will involve material things, but I challenge you to expand your scope of what Bigger is in God!

Esther faced the loss of both parents, but God is Bigger! Esther is uprooted and placed in a new place to start over, but God is Bigger! Esther finds herself in a year long purification and beautification journey with many others before one would be chosen by King Xerxes, but God is Bigger! Mordecai has a talk with Esther that abruptly brings to the forefront her Assignment! An Assignment that had her by-pass what was customary and could have endangered her life, but God is Bigger!

One of the Hebrew meanings for “Esther” is to be hidden or concealed. Beloved, God hid you… for such a time as this! He hid you because He was purifying and preparing you. He placed you two in incognito-mode, as He refined you both for the Assignment. God’s Time is far beyond any calendar; far beyond any perceived time-sensitive expectation. What an amazing visual of seeing two become one and take on an Assignment from God that Saves a Nation! God’s Plan is so much Bigger than we can ever imagine! Just as Esther was hidden in plain sight, there is a day coming where you will no longer be hidden! God will say, “Look up, it is time!”

Divine Design Work & Pray:


If you know, Jot down in your journal the Assignment God has shown you concerning your life.


Say a prayer concerning God’s Plan in relation to the Assignment. If God is showing you marriage, take the time to pray for him/her in advance. Pray beyond your desire to be One. Pray for their soul and their strength to accomplish what God has intended for them.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

If You have Found Yourself Far from God…Remember, He is Not the One who Moved!

Self Assessment is a Gift that is given to soberly place our lives under a microscope. It allows us to truly identify structural layers, when done right. It aides in placing an emphasis on our accessibility to hear the instructions of God. Does our location coincide with the coordinates of our last encounter with the Father or have we moved into a rural area that has made it difficult to hear Him?

Let’s go back to that place that represented you experiencing your 1st Love. When you first gave your life to Christ, it was this, “I cannot not wait to be with Him!”It got even better when He said in Hebrews 13:5, “…I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Check out how the Amplified penned it, “Let your character [your moral essence, your inner nature] be free from the love of money [shun greed—be financially ethical], being content with what you have; for He has said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you[nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!”

The greatest promise we will ever get is from Our 1st Love, it is wrapped in love and sealed with an unfailing ability to carry out what He said! You see Beloved, God is where we left Him. He cannot follow us to places that do not represent Him. It is impossible to pursue God with your whole heart and get tired of the relationship! It should solidify something in our hearts to know that He will never get tired of us wanting to be in His Presence and wanting more of Him!

If you are in a space where He appears distant and not in reach, do an about face. Repent and take your trek back to the One who has not left you. One of the most underrated occurrences is the fact that Billions can worship Him at the same time and not one will feel neglected or short changed! God’s love goes beyond our wildest dreams, and it reaches places that no one could touch, even in their greatest attempt to love you!

With everything in you, build on your relationship with God. Do the maintenance and put in the work. Just as a husband and wife would make sure that quality time is spent; it is also paramount in our relationship with God! This week, take the time to make the deposits in your relationship with your 1st Love, as He reminds you of that beautiful reminder of never leaving or forsaking you!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal what the experience was like when you first said Yes to the Lord and the impact it had on you getting to know the One you surrendered your life to.

Prayer: To the Lover of our Soul. The One who is bountiful in love, goodness, grace, and mercy. Thank you for loving me so much, that it moved me to no longer wanting to break your heart in my actions. You sent your Son while I was yet a Sinner, and through His Life, redemption came to mine. Thank you for your promises and your ability to never fail. May you get glory out of my life. May our locations forever be synced! In Jesus Name, Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

No Longer Wanderers… When the Lap is Over!

This, Our 40th Divine Design Blog is God-inspired and Sister-shared with Corinna Clark, as He placed the topic, “No Longer Wanderers” on her heart! The great significance of the number 40 is woven throughout scripture. It can range from Jesus’ trials being in the desert to the 40 days after His Resurrection, it can also encompass New Beginnings to the Completion of God’s Purpose.

Imagine an 11 day trip becoming 14,610 days due to unbelief and disobedience! A trek from Horeb to Kadesh-barnea was less than two weeks, but because the response of the Children of Israel to the God who delivered, provided, and protected them was riddled with murmuring and complaining and full out rebellion- actually became 40 years in the wilderness!

Oh, but what glorious acts come out of obedience and aligning our speech with Heaven! Terms like “filled with the Spirit of wisdom” and “different Spirit” followed Joshua and Caleb. They were the only two from their generation who actually entered the Promise Land. Roughly a million plus people perished in the wilderness! When we truly think about the access obedience affords us!

Joshua 5:9 reads, “And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day.” It was The Children of the Children of Israel who were the ones that laid their eyes on The Promise! A reproach laid up for their parents was removed from them, out of their Act of obedience, just as the cut of the circumcision showed their covenant with God!

I keep going back to the shouts that we miss! Our father’s sin does not have to be our own. Lessons can be learned from those whom we know experienced God, but at some point took His Grace for granted. Romans 6:1-2 AMP says, “What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] [a]grace may increase and overflow? Certainly not! How can we, the very ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer? Through Christ Jesus, we have been empowered to do life differently. We have been equipped with the Fruit of the Spirit, the essence of who God is!

Beloved Reader, we do not have to wander. We no longer have to take multiple laps! Notice the end of a track meet, the race does not end in the curve; rather it finishes in the straight away. Choose the straight path. Stay the course and watch God prepare a Promise that far exceeds your thoughts and desires! The Win in God starts and ends in our ability to get out the block and cross over the line with obedience as our adrenaline, our purpose, and our response to the One who brought us out of Egypt [ The World ] into His Promise Land!



Jot down in your journal what areas that you feel you are repeating and taking multiple laps due to not being obedient. Write out passages of scripture concerning men and women who obeyed God and what was accomplished.


On the Show

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

“It is Well”…When It becomes More Than a Song!

An excerpt from the lyrics of “It is Well”,

“When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul…”

Horatio Spafford penned this song after losing four of his daughters to a tragic incident of their ship capsizing! His wife survived and was able to share the horrific event! It is said that after crossing the same waters that his daughters transitioned in, shortly after the words were birthed for this song, in the heart of Mr. Spafford.

It is Well” is not a place of fake it until you make it, it is a very sober and concerted effort to maintain the resolve that whatever God allows to be our lot, we can get to the place of seeing that our soul will be able to also pen that It is well! Too often we read the stories of others and are in amazement of what they have gone through! God has a lot for us all! The Lot can be the catalyst to our surrender or the solidification of our desire to follow Him no matter what!

Years ago, I remember hearing a woman share about her ex-husband maliciously choosing to take the lives of all of their children and himself in the home she shared with her offspring, while she was at work! She said that she chose to remain in the home because despite what he took, he would not take the memories that she made in that home with her children! She made it very clear that her relationship with God was stronger than ever, because He was literally the reason why she has been able to get up daily! She spoke of the years that God gave her with her children, and that they ultimately belonged to Him!

Life can take our breath away, but the Giver of Life, El Ruah, who breathes life into us, can cause us to inhale again! God’s ability to restore us far exceeds any event that breaks us! For the Believer, it is like learning a Heavenly Language when Life is Lifin’…

•Lost a job…It is well

Lost the Contract Bid…It is well

Lost a loved one…It is well

Lost a treasured friendship…It is well

Lost a Marriage…It is well

Lost your way and on the way to finding your footing in God…It is well

It is Well is one of the most powerful declarations that a Believer can make, outside of Salvation! It is a statement that speaks to believing in the Power of God for [it] to work for our good! The Trek to Triumph has already happened in Heaven; it just had not reached the Earth Realm when we are met with tribulations! Remember to maintain the hope of Glory; which is Christ’ presence in us!

I want to close with another important area concerning It is well. Life can be Lifin’ in the other direction. Every door can open for you, and it is like the Heavens have open over you! Make sure that it remains Well in My Soul by remembering to give God praise! We want to make certain that entitlement does not settle in our hearts! He owes us nothing and we owe Him everything! The Lord has empowered us to sing this song with a conviction that brings glory to Him!



Jot down in your journal your thoughts concerning being able to say and mean “It is well” when faced with trials and tribulations.


*For this Blog, say a prayer concerning where you are in your faith and where you want God to empower you concerning stilling your heart and being able to glorify His Name in anything that you are presented an opportunity to grow through.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

“Politically Powered to be Politically Correct… But Does that Apply to the Believer?”

Politics has some of the most interesting parameters that set the atmosphere, with an emphasis on not offending. From Places of Employment to Social Gatherings, we have been conditioned not to talk about Religion, Money, or Politics. How strategic is it for us to have an issue with doing either of the three? It goes without saying, people should be able to express their thoughts without immediate cancellation.

However, it is concerning for how much of a divide there is concerning churches, when it comes to Politics. There is such a diverse thought, even in churches when it comes to discussing Religion, Money, & Politics! Should that even be the case? Brace yourself for this next statement! I think what is the greatest fallacy for Politics in America is to think that either party is designated to align us with the Plan of Heaven. Both sides can be hugely culpable of a host of red flags and measures that are antithetical to the Word of God!

This is not a blog to sway your vote or influence you not to vote. It is a blog to cause you to think about how much we have been groomed to be quiet, all in the name of being Politically Correct. What appears to be Correct today is not going against the status quo or speaking up against a majority rule Voice.

The very life of the Believer will have you overstep the Politically Correct line so many times, that it will keep you on the Most Wanted List! It is not that you are waking up looking for trouble. It is the by-product of a heart and mind that has been transformed. The desire to please God more than being accepted by the World. After all, how will we be witnesses if we continue to shy away from opening our mouths?

November 2024 is upon us as a President will be elected. Your vote can be connected to someone’s Salvation! Do not allow an aisle divide to hinder you from keeping first things first! The only One who can Save us already did what only He could do! Challenges will continue to arise here on earth, but it will never impede the ability of God to keep us like He did the Hebrew Boys, even in captivity!

May our Stand overwhelmingly eclipse our bow! The more that we seek God; the more He will equip us to be an effective people in a time where the underline message is to silence us when our thoughts do not align with the World! To God, your commitment to stand for righteousness and holiness will always matter! Remember, the crowd is often not the picture, the remnant is knitted throughout scripture to keep us mindful!

The Most Powerful thing is for God to correctly use us to talk about any topic that can give listeners an understanding for who He is and what pleases Him!



Jot down in your journal topics that you have been apprehensive to bring up and why? Has God ever used you to dialogue with someone and it brought about questions concerning their Walk with God?


Father God, there is a freeness in you to cover topics that allow people to be set free! Your liberty is on display even in some of the most challenging times! You have equipped us to stand in this hour! Thank you for empowering us to love You and Your Word more than we fear backlash and persecution! Keep us sensitive to what you are doing in this hour! As we are on the cusp of an elected President, I pray that the church be a lighthouse and not an absent, uninhabited edifice! Oh God, keep us mindful of the great need for You!

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

“The Cost of a Godly Connect”

There is something so beautiful about two Seekers of God connecting. The conversation is filled with fruitful dialogue and edification. It is a safe place that allows for vulnerability and transparency. A cultivated friendship; not a rushed or forced occurrence. It is a true realization of, “How can two walk together unless they agree?” It is an impossible act to walk alongside one another going eastbound and then one of you makes an about face and walks westbound. There is no way to continue to walk together, no matter how much you love them!

A huge misnomer has swept the Body of Christ in connecting Love to Acceptance for path decisions of our Connects, who are outside the Will of God. It goes without saying, it is not easy to walk away, but the more that we line our desires up with wanting to please the Father, the more we will wear this world as a loose garment.

It is a scheme devised by the Enemy for us to either engage in envelope pushing or envelope pushing acceptance. Both are equally troubling! No Law Enforcement Officer is going to take the time to wonder who is still on the Lord’s side when the two who walk together car is stopped and a kilo of cocaine is found in the trunk! Everyone in that car, who walked together will be going to jail together! If that occurrence is understood in the natural, why do we grapple with it in the Spirit?

The circumspective walk of a Believer is the most challenging event when we fear fruit inspection. The examination that we do in the grocery store is the pre-cursor for how it looks in the Spirit. If we turn a blind eye or do not fully take the time to learn how to inspect the fruit, we will find ourselves bringing something rotten in our home; which can affect the other fruit [our other Connects]. How many have you connected who are now on a different path together- no longer walking on the narrow gate?

Love never fails, even when it has to walk away. True Love has the ability to tell the Truth, even when we do not like it or want to hear it. After all, someone who has proven their love for you should be able to be honest with you. Love from above has boundaries and sounds an alarm through the Spirit when approaching those boundaries. How many times have you been among your Connects and saw them go west, when you knew the time and energy you two spent on how you both would remain eastbound? We are living in a moment in time where the fence is packed when the Word of God tells us to be hot or cold- “hot" represented the therapeutic hot water of Hierapolis, while "cold" represented the refreshing cold water of Colossae. We must make a decision to follow Jesus and His Ways at all Cost! Who we lock arms with will always matter! A silent stance is still a stance when it comes to walking in agreement.


WORK: Journal an assessment of your Connects and what you have and have not supported. Have you ever found yourself supporting something and conviction set in? Have you ever told a Connect in Love that something did not align with the Word of God? Have you ever had to walk away from a Connect, who chose to go another direction? Take the Club Scene out of your head! People can go to church every Sunday or attach Jesus’ Name to what they do and still not walk together with Him!

PRAY: Father God, when I think of how much I owe you and how you pursued me, my soul cries out to do your Will. To see the world through your eyes. To choose Truth over Tolerance! To maintain a posture of humility; yet vigilant when it comes to identifying the hazards of compromise. Help me to be a Fruit Inspector, beginning with my fruit and those I connect myself to. There is too much work to be done for me not to be battle-ready. Friendly Fire is still a hit, and when it is all said and done- a soldier from our very own team is down! Help me to remember the Cost to Walk Together! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Send Me, I’ll Go…If it Lines Up with My Plan!”

How often do you hear people connect God to their Purpose and not the other way around? Today, it is posh to make Plans for Success and then stamp God’s Name on the back page of the plan. Connecting our purpose to God is voluntarily choosing a pencil over a pen, because you realize that at any given moment- God’s Plan may make revisions for what you envisioned!

Purpose is loaded today! Many churches are moving to make their conferences more temporal-minded than eternal-centered. The panelists are lauded as experts in gaining wealth on earth. Their mic drops are based on the knowledge they give you for financial abundance here. Allow me to pause to address the thought to discredit and turn a deaf ear because of where we are going. It goes without much argument that God does not oppose us having temporal belongings, it is the hazard connected to them having us!

God will “give you the desires of your heart.” Do we ever really dissect Psalm 37:4 from the understanding of the word “delight?” Let’s bring the pencil back. Delight in Hebrew is the word, “Anag.” It is to live or spend in enjoyment. As we live in the enjoyment of a Sovereign God having plans for us, we begin to embrace His Plan for our lives! It is the erasure that speaks to us delighting in leaving not just room for God to add, but for Him to totally rewrite. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many plans are in a man’s mind, But it is the LORD’S purpose for him that will stand (be carried out).” -Amplified

Remember, the Lord stands over His Word to perform it. We have to understand the Times that we are in. There may be many churches with stain-glassed windows that have stain-filled Messages aligning with the World, but make no mistake about it- He is coming back for a church “without spot or wrinkle!” -Ephesians 5:27 Not only are we to be mindful as a Church Body, but also a Body of Believers for presenting the Surrendered Life.

Our Love will be more and more on trial, because when we host our church events, community events, and parties, will the Attendees get the Essentials? Will they be put into remembrance of our Soul Winning more than they are in us being an expert in Purpose Pushing?

“Send me, I’ll go” has to be deeply rooted in a “Yes Lord!” A response that goes beyond knowing the Cost; one that longs more for what God desires than our very own written Plan of Success!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal your ambitions and what you are doing or have done to see them come to pass. Now, assess whether you wrote those plans with a pencil or a pen. Have you yielded your plans to delighting in what God desires for you.


Father, as we find ourselves in between what the world defines as successful and what You attribute to our account because we have chosen Your way- there is no comparison. Keep us in delight of You. May we have an undivided allegiance to You. Our plans are void of true significance without You. Keep us mindful of the essentials. Eternity awaits us. Help us to stay firmly mindful of what You desire of us while we are here on earth. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Have We Made “Perfect in God” a Battery…Both Positive & Negative?

Let’s talk about how we truly see being perfected in God. We applaud Athletes for excelling; we celebrate Business Owners for meeting their goals; yet when it comes to God making someone’s life over and them walking circumspectly, it is not always met with the same excitement. What is perfection in God? Let’s feast on His Word. Hebrews 13:20-21 (Amplified) “Now may the God of peace [the source of serenity and spiritual well-being] who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood that sealed and ratified the eternal covenant, equip you with every good thing to carry out His will and strengthen you [making you complete and perfect as you ought to be], accomplishing in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.”

Saints, we keep missing our SHOUT! The One who cannot fail! The One who has never lost a Battle! The One who is able to keep us from falling- will “make you complete and perfect as you ought to be!” Perfection in God is a maturity that is actually His Gift to those whom surrender. It is the ability to operate beyond our capabilities to “be nice and do nice things.” It is a heart transformation that heavily implants pure motives and intentions. It is the ability not to hurt because you have been hurt. We saw it in Joseph’s life when his brothers came to him, in their time of need. Joseph had become so perfected in God, that it didn’t even awaken the thought of being left for dead; rather, it allowed Joseph to go down memory lane for what God did in his heart! Go ahead and get your praise on…I’ll wait!

Another passage of scripture caught my attention, James 1:2-4 (Amplified), “Consider it nothing but joy, my [a]brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing.” We do not typically want to throw a party for trials in the natural, but in the Spiritual when you see all the weapons that have been formed, and through being perfected in God, how many did not prosper, it gives us a new perspective! God’s perfecting comes with an immeasurable positive ending that only He can give us, even in pain, betrayal, and pruning.

It is paramount that we never connect being perfected as something negative. You see someone going hard in the paint, instead of looking to find fault in them…Encourage them! Sit with them and find out what God has done in their hearts for them to operate in such maturity. You see, we do not have to wait for the Super Bowl or NBA Finals, things that happen one time a year to have the Celebration of all Celebrations! Everyday, Believers in Christ are suiting up in the whole Armor of God and dying to their flesh, so that He may live within.

Perfection in God will keep us on the narrow road and en route to see Him face to face! There’s absolutely nothing negative about that! Refrain from shrinking in testifying on what God has delivered you from and how He is perfecting your life! Insert your final shout as we celebrate the eternal positive of a surrendered and perfected life!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal your thoughts when you first hear one being perfected in Christ. Have you ever had issues with someone being able to walk in freedom for an area that had you bound? If so, how did you reconcile those thoughts?

Pray: Father God, May You continue to show your handiwork in my life. May You get Glory to such a degree that what was used to derail me will be the stepping stones that perfects me in You. There is no failure in You. Stand over your Word concerning my life that others will see that you are able to Save, Set Free, and Deliver. May I forever see the surrendered life of my brothers and sisters as an amazing positive, and may I be strengthened by their Yes to You and Transformation! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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