Cheap Grace: Thrifty & Expendable!

The Grace of God is a Gift extended to us that we do not always see in its full splendor. It has a substantive; yet undeserving label attached to it. Not fully understanding the depth of Grace can cause us to hold it haphazardly. There is a weight to Grace that should be understood and humbly embraced.

The Greek word connected to Grace is Charis, it also speaks to favor, kindness, and life. Let’s trek to Mary, Jesus’ mother for a moment to water a point. In Luke 1:30, Mary finds a level of favor with God that allows her to birth the Savior of the World! The Grace to rear and guide the One she too would surrender to and follow. The Grace to be misunderstood and yet remain committed for prophecy to be fulfilled.

“So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,”which is translated, “God with us.” -Matthew 1:22-23

You see, there is nothing cheap about the Grace bestowed upon us. Grace extended will always Cost the Giver more than the recipient. However, the recipient should forever keep in mind the Price Paid by the Giver!

Examples usually have to park at our front door before we truly get the point conveyed. If you saved two years earnings and you decided to gift your neighbor an item that was purchased through sweat and tears, and they either never opened it or chose to leave it by the trash pile, you would be certain that they did not take into consideration the cost, nor the sacrifice. Your mind would go to an ungratefulness as it relates to them.

It is important that we know the back story that fuels Grace. The Grace of God is not bought with Expectation Dollars. It is a Gift with a price tag that is paid by the posture of our hearts. The interesting reality about the Look of God’s Grace is that the wealth of it can be found in a manger instead of a palace!

Cheap Grace devalues the essence of God gifting us with the empowerment to fulfill His Will. The onus will be on us to maintain a weighty cost to what we have not earned. The Favor of God will forever be an opportunity for us to remain humble and grateful.

Thrifty and expendable is not the view that the Sons & Daughters of God take concerning Grace. Domino Effects happen when we see Grace as Cheap and can have long term ramifications. Oh, but when we see Grace as God intends for us to see it- What was torn down like the Walls in Jerusalem, Nehemiah and the men built in record time and impacted and protected a nation!

The right view of Charis…Grace / Favor / Kindness / Life can have one do a lot in 52 days! Allow the appreciation for the Grace of God to not only have you rebuild, but reinforce the gaps that were made be cheapening Grace, just as they did with the Walls in Jerusalem!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal what God has allowed you to overcome and grow through by empowering you with His Grace.


To the Most High God, the One who has gifted me with life. Thank you for allowing me to truly count the cost. There is nothing thrifty or expendable about You. You gave your only begotten Son that we may have life and have it more abundantly! There is nothing cheap about the sacrificial offering of the Savior! Thank you for allowing us to experience the weight of your Glory. As you continue to make us ready, prepare our hearts to always show up and pay the full price. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Valentine’s Message with Much Love: When God said to me, “Before He Cheated on You, You Cheated on Me!”