JQ Lee JQ Lee

Is the Vetting Process Needed when They’re My Faves?

This description shared by Gov.uk of the “Vetting Process” gives us a seeing glass view, from a governmental stance. “To hold security clearance you must go through the vetting process, which is a series of background checks, before you are granted access to sensitive information, assets and equipment. The process aims to identify, manage and mitigate any areas of risk in relation to the clearance you need.” There are checks and balances that do not take into account whether the one being probed will take offense. As a matter of fact, the one being vetted expects it.

The one who wishes to hold a position knows that there are expectations connected to areas that are related to the position, as well as the conduct that could impede how one carries it out. The Vetting Process is a part of determining if more access is permitted. Will the vetted be able to hear, see, and act on what others will not be able to because of clearance restrictions?

Let’s go Heaven-bound on the “Vetting Process.” There is a divine clearance by God that is impartial and infallible. When He probes, there is no hidden agenda. It is actually for our good for Him to show us ourselves before any work in His Name is done. How much more should Soldiers in the Army of the Lord expect to be vetted? How much more should we yield to the Background Checks to ensure that as we go out as Billboards for Christ; we will be able to stand up under the weight of our “Yes Lord?”

The “Sensitive Information “ we hold in high regard because it is the heart of God. The remarkable truth is that it is available to all who sign up for the Vetting Process. The revelation of God’s Word is not just for those who matriculated through the corridors of Theological Seminary. It is not reserved for a particular pedigree. It is the most inclusive candidate pool to those who desire to seek Truth and be used by Him.

The Vetting Process of God produces a staying power within us. It prepares us for the access to not only experience His revelation, but also understand our role in witnessing. Can we truly vet those we have become fond of?

Recently, we have had a number of professed Christians make some questionable moves in the public eye. It makes one wonder how serious did they really take the “Vetting Process” of Heaven? Did they take into consideration how many lives God would allow to cross their paths? Did they count the cost to be where they are?

Heaven’s “Vetting Process” gives us a clearance that was initiated by the life of Christ being poured out into our own. A people who did not have enough credentials or moral prowess to become Ambassadors for Christ. The “Vetting Process “ will always remain essential because there are souls at stake.

What will you and I do when our faves decide that they no longer want to subscribe to the “Vetting Process?” When our leaders go into the world and they do not remain mindful of the assignment; the clearance they have been given to present Jesus to a culture who feels they are “good!” We must not be guilty of living our lives as if we have not been sent. Issues that we may have with events that are happening in the church does not reflect the Church Christ is coming back for! Let’s be certain that the fingerprint we leave in the House of Prayer is not tainted from our own selfish ambition.

True Ministry is not glamorous. It is toiling, truthful, and thought-provoking. It will be the most thorough vetting process that we will ever experience. It is God putting His Seal of Approval on us to be fit for service. Make sure your fave has not cheapened or reduced the efficacy of the standard and expectation of God.

In these Last Days, invitations to speak, both in the world and in the church, must be properly vetted. Too many are going into rooms where their lack of clearance is glaring. The training that soldiers experience will never have them walk into situations that could be a threat or hostile and not be vigilant. When we see, from Gospel Singers to Preachers going into the Enemy’s Territory unarmed with no strategy- that is cause for alarm! Access Denied is not what we want in the Last Days, especially if you once had Top Secret Clearance!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal some of your favorite preachers and singers. Create a second column to vet how well they represent Christ today.

Pray: Gracious God, as you vet my life, expose me to me. We do not have to be a part of a scandal to realize the devastation in not being able to be cleared for access. Your security checks keep us mindful of the information that we behold. Your Word should be guarded in our hearts. It should be protected and honored. Give us a sensitivity to walk in rooms and see the greatest need! There is no life apart from you. There is nothing that the world could give to hand in this Eternal Access Card. May we remain true to You and your “Vetting Process.” In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

When Red Flags were always Present, but Our Relationship Void Made them Green!

Recently, the world was flooded by the Tale of the Failed Relationship of a young lady who calls her ex-husband, “Legion.” A failure to stop at the red flags caused her to proceed into Harm’s Way and end at Devastation Avenue! After nearly 8 hours and over 50 videos, a young lady pours out her heart to ask the question, “Why did I get married?” We will leave the expletive out that was used, but there is even a story to tell in the omitted word for where we can go in our conduct, when we feel that we have been played!

Literally, millions have viewed this young lady’s TikTok reels! What exactly do the viewers resonate with concerning the story? As we delve into the reasoning, keep in mind of the pulse of the Divine Design Blog. It is to consciously keep us mindful of the Art of Divine Living. Speaking to living out the essence and attributes of God in our everyday.

This read will cause us to pull the bandage off concerning what we give and what we take back from God. We will need to be painfully honest with ourselves. We say that we trust God with our lives, but when a fine specimen comes nigh our dwelling, we take the guiding away from God, the One who is all-knowing, to lead ourselves in partaking in the relationship. The very relationship that will need Him at the Center to triumph has placed Him in the backseat, as you and the love interest cruise in the sunset. Remember, bandage off because healing is necessary.

The young lady admitted that there were Red Flags from the onset. As Believers in Christ, we must understand how dire the decision is to the purpose and calling on our lives. Who God allows you to yoke up with cannot simply be about butterflies. That relationship will experience growth spurts and growth pains.

If we are not properly prepared to run the race that is ahead, we will skimp on the essential parts for the forward movement of the relationship. For every Red Flag we choose to ignore; we create a Colorblind Flag to travel to a place the Enemy designed, to bring us to an Unexpected End. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an EXPECTED END.” When God’s Green Flag is waived, it gives us the assurance and grace to go forth.

If we are honest, stories of betrayal in relationships are relatable, because we can remember “when.” We can remember when we were on the receiving end of what we did not think we deserved. However, we do not read these stories from the vantage point of assessing why we picked up the “hitchhiker”- the one allowed access to hitch themselves to us, with no approval from Heaven to even stop the car!

Allow me to bring to the stand what never gets the limelight when describing the car. The Glove Compartment, the place that once held the driving gloves, hence the name. The gloves that were protective in nature. What it is now known for and what is now housed there is the Registration. Who the vehicle belongs to. The One who holds the responsibility and ownership.

There are No Test Drives for a vehicle owned by God! Did you know that there are moments where people have custom cars and never got in them until it is purchased and delivered to drive? They did not have to go back to the Dealer for a test drive, because they already knew the value! When we become colorblind to Red Flags, we devalue the Green Flags and settle for something the Owner never intended for us to proceed with.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”-1 Corinthians 13:4-7 It is not just a passage of scripture for the wedding invitation. It is engraved on the heart. It is the fabric contents of the Green Flag. It is our map to finish this cross-country life excursion as a union. As beautiful as love is…it gets to our disfigurement. Those horrid places that magnify our fight to keep our independence and Will to be right!

I close with a collision of truth that until this day, still grips my heart! I remember being in a relationship that started off with me adhering to the driving rules, and then an anxiousness to get to Marriage Boulevard started having me remove the Instruction Book from the Glove Compartment.

The painstaking truth is… I changed the Name of the Owner to me! Green Flags quickly turned into glaring Red Flags! A vehicle once purchased with a price no human could pay; no longer road the same! No longer had the performance that was in line for what was ransomed! I became that broken down vehicle that once had an Owner who never missed caring for me and keeping me in Mint Condition to caring for myself and missing every Recall Message!

The exchange with the Owner:

Me: “God, I’m hurting because he cheated.

The Owner: “Before he cheated on you- you cheated on Me!

*There is No Red Flag choosing worth getting that response from the One who manufactured you for His Glory!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal times you have overlooked Red Flags and became colorblind to the impact they have had on your life. Write out some Green Flags you have had in relationships and where they have taken you.

Pray: To the Lover of my soul. The One who loved me when I did not properly know how to love. Forgive me for taking the wheel and buying the synthetic message that made you a “Co-pilot”; You should have never been placed in the passenger seat. I want you to get Glory out of my relationship, because there is no reaching full potential absent of You. The whole and complete work that you do will be ever present in our lives. What You have for us has always been Worth the Wait! It speaks to the loving care and refinement that takes place when we abide in You. May You always be found as the sole Owner on the Registration of our lives! In the Name of Jesus. Amen..

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

How to Remain Effective in the Culture all while being Counter-Cultural.

An oxymoron? No. What the title conveys is what John 15:19 says, “If you were in the world, they would love you. But I have chosen you out, so they will hate you.” The Believer is not per se looking for a fight, but our stance will not be well-received. Followers of Christ often times experience the conundrum of people admiring your conviction until it spotlights something they are not convicted about.

We are in the world, but not in the Culture of the World. The appetite change is an interesting phenomenon. Imagine loving chicken all your life and then you turn 40 and you do not just dislike it, the smell of it is even detestable to you. When our palate is refined to the nature of God, the cuisine becomes nourishment-seeking and more conscientious of what we intake. There is a greater emphasis on how you care for your temple.

When our intake changes, it becomes visible to those whom we once did the shared events with, in the past. They may question how you now dislike the very thing you once enjoyed together for years? It is an honest question, but it is also a loaded one. It is heavy on…”Why did you change?” I do not think we fully appreciate coming out of something to go into something better, and then being presented with the opportunity to tell others.

We go into the Witness Protection Program instead of being a Witness for Christ. The sound of the Culture continues to reverberate in many hearts long after a “Yes Lord, to your Will & Way” is said. The Sanctification Process is not an overnight process. However, the necessary pill that is swallowed goes down easier when we assess just how much we loved the World and the Culture represented within it.

Going from Culture to Counter-Culture and still remaining impactful is absolutely possible! God focuses on what is needed. There are a lot of “wants” being addressed in the Culture, but the “need” has become secondary. Can God call you to go into an environment and meet the essential needs of that community?

The ills of this world are not subsiding. As a matter of fact, they are massively increasing. Despite the “needs” of the people empirically adding up, we continue to place “wants” at the forefront. Dear Believer, your stance to do it for the “Counter-Culture” is what will be most beneficial to the people. Choosing to remain unspotted from this World will be our largest flex.

Here are some Counter-Culture Flexes:

• Choosing to participate in fruitful conversations

• Refraining from engaging in Political Debates

• Become knowledgeable about Global News

• Maintain an appreciation for tradition

• Uphold the Standard of God and wear it like a badge of honor

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal some of the current focus topics in the Culture today. How involved do you get with the World’s views on Hop Topics? Line up scripture to what the Culture has on their supportive billboards.

Pray: Heavenly Father, the times are manifesting what Your Word has spoken. Thank you for the wisdom to be a voice of Truth. Help me to remain untethered by the Cultural Pressures and forever changing Cultural Norms. Keep me mindful of not being of this World. My heart is tied to my eternal address. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

“God wants everyone to be a Millionaire: Found in the 67th Book of the Bible!”

Scripture has a beautiful way of lining up. A Berean Walk through the Word of God will crystallize God’s meaning. He will not leave us to our own interpretation. It is too costly of a price to misinterpret scripture. How is one to live out of their desired imagination what does not come from the heart of God?

Before we go to Heaven, head to your local relationship here on earth. Imagine spending intimate time with someone. You share information that is only given to them, and what this individual does, who was in relationship with you is host a conference and tells an audience the total opposite of everything you revealed to them?

Many take the abundant life of a Believer and make it about financial wealth. In 1 Samuel 2:7

it says, “The LORD sends poverty and wealth; He humbles and He exalts.” Every Believer will not become a Millionaire, but we most certainly can have our account added to as it relates to eternity.

1 Timothy 6:17-19 reads, “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. This speaks of a wealth that cannot be taken away. How many stories have we heard of people amassing wealth and losing everything?

The reason there can be no room for error is expressed in, 1 Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” Misinterpreting God’s Word concerning wealth accumulation could place someone in a position to lose their footing with the assuredness of their faith!

I facetiously titled this blog: ““God wants everyone to be a Millionaire: Found in the 67th Book of the Bible”, because Believers know the Bible has 66 Books. There is no 67th Book to express Millionaire Status as God’s wishes for every Believer.

Two occurrences come to mind to convey the point. Years ago, I remember giving a woman who was homeless money. I tried to give her an encouraging Word and said, “God bless you.” The woman stopped in her tracks and began to share with me how much God had blessed her. She was not defined by the sky being her roof; nor did she allow her glorifying God to be about material things alone. What a sober reminder for us! Another was watching Bibles that were shipped to some Asian people who were secretly meeting to receive the Word of God. Oh, how they wept and held their Bibles with such conviction! I knew viewing this, I had witnessed some of the most wealthy people I had ever seen! Theresa treasure that was being stored up in their hearts through the Word of God!

I leave you with this…May our Spiritual account forever be in a surplus. May deposits be made daily. As withdrawals are made with our lives, may it be so fruitful that it creates moments of eternal wealth for all we come into contact with. People will put in blood, sweat, and tears for a status that we cannot take with us. Just as products are recalled, let’s bring the mindset of all Believers being Millionaires back to the Dealer and walk out with the more efficient and intended part!

Divine Work & Pray:

Jot down various scriptures that you heard from the pulpit that referenced being wealthy. Do a Berean Walk concerning those passages. Make sure you read for context and clarity. Pray that God reveals His intent concerning how He wants you to see earthly & eternal wealth.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

The Life of the Believer is a 2 Step: We Disassociate to Associate.

“Come out of her”, is not a period statement, it is a semi-colon. The 2 Step Dance that we do upon saying, “Yes Lord” speaks to the completeness of God. When we walk out of something, we will always walk into better in Him.

If we are honest, the let go may appear to be overwhelming. However, it will always be the greatest departure this side of Heaven when we walk into what He has purposed for us. There is a very popular picture that circulated the internet where a young child stood before God and He asked her for what she had grown an affection for, her teddy bear- not knowing what lied behind Him, a greater sized teddy bear. I absolutely love this visual because it encapsulates the story of our encounter with Him! We stand before Him holding on to so many things we think are “can’t live withouts” only to realize, He is truly the only One we cannot breathe without!

A God we so desperately need does not have to present or dangle anything before us to choose Him. Our pant for Him should be based off of the fact that He is the only One who can fulfill the void in our lives! It is a misnomer to believe God leads with carrots. God leads with an eternal invitation through His Son that reunites us with Him! We then experience Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” There are firsts that we must do in God that will make a far greater impact on our person than our desires being met.

Disassociating to associate speaks to the understanding of the pruning process. God will allow a major cut in our lives only to have a surplus arise. People dwell on the No’s of walking with God and fail to spotlight the abundance of a life that has been spared from eternal separation.

When you walked away from what once had your money, time, and affection- it did not end there. That trek should have brought us to a door of opportunity, which brought fruitful relationships, restored time, and good stewardship.

Amos 3:3 says. “Can two walk together unless they agree?” Will friends who began the journey together heading to New York for a Christian Conference be able to reach their destination if one decides to veer off to Daytona for “Biker’s Week?” The friend ends up liking Daytona and its happenings so much, they decide to relocate there. When we have a challenge with disassociating, we begin to alter the plans and make excuses. We say things like, “Well, we can always go to the conference next year.” Presupposing there will be a next year. Not taking into account where the individual’s heart has gone concerning Daytona and its attractions. There is no longer a way to get to the once desired destination together.

Our Spiritual Partnering is profound in nature. Years of learning intimate details about one another is great. However, just as soldiers enlist; go to boot camp; and are ready to put their lives on the line for their fellow man and woman- God knits the Body of Believers in a manner that can transcend time.

The Association that a Believer engages in is life-giving. It is an accountability filled with love and promise. At times, it is a connection that is painfully honest and other times very little words are spoken because most of those words are spent in prayer for the brethren. May we forever look at disassociation and association from the view of God- the One who knows the beginning from the end. He knows the connects that will produce more of Him in us and He knows the ones that will take Him out of the category of being priceless in our lives!

The Art of Divine Living is overwhelmingly knowing that you walked into an unmatched life and that the miracle of being made new is an association attached to a Well that Will Never Run Dry!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal the things you have been challenged in disassociating from, And why? What are the benefits associated to following God?

Pray: Dear God, the One whom is my shield and fortress The One who has prepared a life for me to give You Glory. May I not be oblivious to the unfruitfulness connected to people, places, and things I had difficulty in disassociating from. You have been a Protector of my heart. I choose to associate with new people, places, and things that align with how I feel about You. Thank you for the many rewards related to falling in love with You! It is worth it because You are worth it! In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Excellence is Celebrated everywhere, but the Church. Let’s Talk about it.

The world is enamored with a Winner. The spotlights on them often entail wanting to hear what they did to accomplish their goal. Their rigor and commitment are admired by the onlookers. For an athlete, their countless hours of drills and personal development moves the conversation to what separates them from the rest.

In the business world, it is no different. People love to hear the Rags to Riches stories. The ability to remain focused despite the many obstacles that they have experienced. The laser vision displayed when many events could have detoured them is what catches the attention of the people.

Think about the excellence shown in the craft of top athletes; such as, Lebron James, Stephen Curry, and Coco Gauff. Their regimen to take care of their bodies before even appearing for a game or match speaks to how much they have embraced excellence.

Top tier athletes overall, understand that excellence is associated to attaining the trophy. The late Kobe Bryant was known for extensive practices before and after games to hone in on showing excellence. He has even had colorful conversations with players, whereby he did not respect their cavalier behavior concerning their preparation.

As we take this Heaven side, the Hebrew Boys who were taken into captivity certainly come to mind. In Daniel 6:3, “Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.” The moral compass and work ethic of Daniel, even as a teen boy was exceptional.

The miracle of going from struggling in poor decisions to being able to operate in the Fruit of the Spirit does not get the press like it should. Believers all over the world are putting in the reps of righteousness; routinely doing the laps of loyalty and commitment to the ways of God; yet they find themselves being criticized for putting in the work.

Winners have a speech. They recognize the sabotage their words can have on them being victorious. Heaven has a speech too. As Believers, we are not to shy away from being perfected. A Spirit of Excellence speaks to being able to have a level of greatness that is outside of our own capabilities. It allows us a victory that not only shows the dedication and hard work, but the character and moral standard that accompanies.

Victor speech is not, “Well, we’re only human” or “Nobody’s perfect.” Victor speech is “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”, Philippians 4:13. Victor speech is knowing God is working an Eternal Excellence in us. It is this profound private work that debuts not just on the stage, but in life.

The NFL hosts a 4 Day Event called “Combine”, which places an athlete’s excellence front and center. There is no subpar language he tells himself in that moment. Not carrying out this expected excellence is rare. The best and brightest are viewed in awe for the work that they put in.

What if we were more celebratory in church for a brother, who after years battling in sexual immorality, exercised the righteousness of God to such a degree, that he moves to living out an abstinent lifestyle and now encourages others, like a great teammate? What if we honored a young lady who went from a single mother to a woman who vowed to only be with her husband? We are missing our shout. Yes, someone getting a car and house are celebratory, but Heaven rejoices when our triumph comes from the divine nature of God being played out in our lives!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal your thoughts concerning an excellent Spirit. Are you encouraged by those who are maturing in the ways of God?

Pray: Gracious Father, may we find more excitement in things that are eternal. May our hearts have a resolve to carry out your divine nature. Excellence in you produces onlookers. May the doors that You open be the stages that Your Glory is displayed over our acumen and ability. Being perfected in You comes with a responsibility. I do not want to be like the athletes, who have had their accomplishments stripped away. Oh God, may Your moral standard be just as pronounced as what You have gifted me to do. In your triumphant Name. Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

If No one is an Island, Why are you navigating in life alone?

The island scene is encamped by water, so no one gets a chance to peruse it without notice. The visitor can be seen from miles away. Yes, the view is more cursory the further they are from you, but once access is granted, there is still more to witness. Too often times, our thoughts go to the barriers to keep intruders out, but what happens when we start painting everyone with the same broad brush, because we have been hurt? Do we keep out the ones who were sent to aide us on this journey? The ones who will keep us accountable and present as we walk out this purposeful life.

I consider myself an ambivert, one who has both introvert and extrovert tendencies. Being the only child for the first ten years of my life made me a lot more comfortable in alone settings. As time has evolved, I realized how much I enjoy the company of others, but I still find myself stealing away.

God uniquely orchestrated a blueprint designed for us to not plant our flag on an uninhabited island. In many instances, what is found in community is the acts God uses to mature us. We find out the toe-stepping realities in our interactions with others. We find out how selfish, territorial, and unforgiving we are when we depart the island and go ashore.

Group Projects are always a sobering measuring tool. It is this oversized mirror of our interacting ability. Everyone comes in with their processing and view on what the finish will look like. Although, it may be a big percentage of your grade, some will have a more vested interest than others. How do we navigate through personalities and behaviors that are different from ours?

I remember walking in island-mode for a number of years. If I was doing a group project and someone did not do what they said they would do, I would ask very little questions and just get it done. I remember sleeping about 15-16 hours straight one time from exhaustion. My body literally shut down, because I was taking on tasks that people either did not want to do or simply stopped. An interesting question by God inquired if I could be used to bring out the best in others and not feel the need to take on the task? Did I understand that there were, at times, other ways to carry the task out? Thereby, encouraging others to cultivate their best effort.

People would say, “Well, I can’t do it like you.” As those comments came, I began to understand more and more the importance of The Body and how much all parts are needed. God did not give everything to one person. That would leave us with pride on steroids. I truly believe God makes mosaics with our lives and gives His Sons & Daughters a piece to contribute to His Masterpiece.

If we are real honest, it is easier to just do [it], but do we really get the Spiritual Fruit additions when we do not go through the process of operating as a functional community? It is the being made part as respecting our uniqueness that fosters the growth to keep the unity of the brethren.

Betrayal and disappointment are real factors in leaving the island. However, that is too much power to give the Enemy by placing yourself in an isolated place to never be hurt again. Not only does it hinder our growth; it also impedes our ability to be loved and give love.

For years, we have watched shows like “Survivor” and to be the last one standing, but what is triumph without having someone to share it with? This culture tells us that the climb is lonely, but we can choose to yoke ourselves with those who are climbing as well. There is a sustainable and stellar strength in being among those with parallel vision and who are vessels being used by God.

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal concerning your thoughts about the title. Have you become an island because of hurt and disappointment? Have you ever prayed concerning those who will walk with you?

Pray: Father God, to the One who protects and graces us to have flourishing relationships. May no disappointment speak louder than You ordering my steps. You did not create me to be an island. Thank you for the discernment to see who comes nigh my dwelling. I welcome the fruit-bearing opportunity you give with Your Sons & Daughters. Make us sensitive to our roles as Brother & Sister Keepers. There is no failure in You. Make us mindful of this Truth as we interact with the brethren. May You get glory out of our trek from the island to the shore.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Go through Life like your Father PREPARED YOU & then SENT YOU!

Growth is a sobering journey of ebbs and flows. It tests our ability to be stretched into the desired shape of Spiritual Fitness. The outcome gets the people in the stands cheering, but let’s look at the most underrated part of growth- the process of being prepared to attain it. Before doing so, we’ll review this historical event of what people came to see. Was it really the victory or the preparation that led to this record-breaking gathering?

We recently joined in with over 123 million viewers of Super Bowl LVIII, as reported by NPR and other media sources; the most watched NFL Championship in history! Most would say that it is all about the Win and what happens at the end. However, it is really about what each player did when no one was watching. It was about their level of preparation before being placed on the big stage !

So, let’s take this to Heaven. The focus point as a Believer is not the Destination being the only emphasis point. The Journey should be embraced and appreciated. It is the Grace of God to give us the time to mature in what He prepares us for. As much as a child may excel in Pop Warner Sports, no good father would allow their 7 year old son to play in the Super Bowl we just watched! A good father knows the dangers related to sending his son into an atmosphere he is not physically, mentally, or spiritually mature to walk into! As much of an historical moment that would be- a good father would not do it! So, how much more for God, the Ultimate Good Father?

The Word of God in Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Praise break, that blessed me just writing that out! God wants us to move in thanksgiving during the process of preparation. As we wait and prepare in the most fruitful way, it produces peace that allows our hearts and minds to be protected.

Is it not interesting that the world’s preparation is intense, but it cannot produce true peace no matter how much they try to manifest it? There is a plethora of steps that they take to perform mind over matter, but the peace that allows one to be abased or abound, the world does not possess. There are so many victories to the life of a Follower of Christ! We are looking at the wrong place in the newspaper. The Preparation of God is not on the front page headline, it is buried deep within for a reason. It is not found on the tail page either because, that is where we get a chance to see how much honor and attainment was captured through the process.

The middle section allows us to be tested and matured before the limelight. Our Good Father is in no haste to put us in situations whereby He will not get glory. As we learn to navigate through life and we mature in Him, we begin to realize how much we really need the time lay overs to arrive at the destination with the Glory of God packed, as we disembark.

The Art of Divine Living is a cumulative experience that allows us to build on every journey moment; every Yes to God; and every postponed trip that gives us more time to prepare.

I take you back to the historical event of the Super Bowl. In actuality, what they really witnessed was the preparation of men who saw themselves being victorious long before the game began. The work was put in to stand on the podium. The work that came with blood, sweat, and tears. How much more should a Believer show up for life to be triumphant in God because we took the time to prepare before being sent? We have two celebrations in God- loving and maturing in the preparation, as well as being able to see the fruit from being made! Here’s to the Blessed Life, as exciting as it is to go to Disneyland for the winning team, we have Eternity to prepare for!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down your thoughts concerning how you feel about the Process of God. Do you have an appreciation for the journey? Do you find joy in being made? Have you thought about what it takes for God to send you? Do we think about how much of our Will is placed in a sacrificial state to accept God’s Will?

Pray: Father God, the Triumphant One. The One who takes our ineptness and processes us to be presented for Your Glory. For the places in our hearts that have learned to desire the destination over the journey. Create our hearts to love what You are producing in us through the journey. You allow us two wins- growing to love the preparation and what is produced. Thank You for your completeness! In your Matchless Name, we pray. Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

He is Worth the Wait! Oh, you thought I was referencing Mister? I’m talking about God!

In a world where waiting is abhorred and speed is adored, how would one comet to appreciate Waiting? Let’s talk about it…

We say terms like, “I want to work smarter and not harder”, but often associate the smarter part to doing it quicker, to circumvent the process! The praise often comes from doing something in record time. Instant gratification is the name of the game! Then, it happens! What happens? You come into contact with Love! You meet God and it is like the world stands still.

As this divine experience takes place, we begin to embrace the moments of solace and stillness. We go from being impatient, standing before the microwave to then longing for the uninterrupted moments with your 1st Love! It is jaw-dropping how we can all have an intimate time with the Lord and never have to wait in line to experience His Love!

For those of us who are single, as a powerful campaign of assurance, we are told, “Our mate is worth the wait.” That is a great encouragement when you have not always done relationships in a Godly manner. It is a truth that can help us remain on track and appreciative for doing it God’s Way!

Here’s where that phrase took a stratospheric turn for me! Since being permitted to date, as a teen, I have always been in long term relationships, but the ugly truth is that none were fruitful. All involved “awakening love before its time.” I can look over decisions made that were covenant in nature, but most certainly not in Spirit! I lived in a warped reality of giving myself points for being in committed relationships, that were actually not committed to God!

I am forever indebted to God for the term, “He is Worth the Wait” taking on a totally different meaning for me! I never fully knew what it meant to wait on God. Overall, I have lived a pretty privileged life. That comes with some benefits and even some deficits, because it can make you very green in areas that are necessities in growing in God. I am grateful for the lessons that I have learned as my heart began to enlarge for seeing Love through the eyes of God. It even got to a point that I thanked God for allowing me to experience Him to this degree without a spouse, because there is no way I would have wanted to have to split this time. He did major surgery in my heart and the work that was required was what began the journey of seeing how much Worth was connected to the Wait!

God prepares us in a way to mature us all while teaching us what pleases Him. It then goes into being an overflow in the remainder of our lives. You will begin to see changes in other relationships; how you maneuver in life; and how you truly see waiting.

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your Divine Design journal what has been challenging for you in waiting? It is very important to be honest about how you see waiting! Do you find yourself praying for patience all while being impatient for how God provides the teaching for it?

Pray: Father God, make my heart ready for waiting. Make me mindful of how much I can miss in not being still. Give me an appreciation for how You move. I know that is developed through my surrender and obedience. I desire to wait on You with a grateful heart. You indeed are Worth the Wait! In Your Timeless and Omniscient Name I pray, Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

“But, I really love him.” The Safeguard of being equally-yoked for Valentines!

February is a month that is pitted as a “Love Month.” Merchants have geared up for months to share the latest and most beautiful gift ideas. This month can be filled with a plethora of decisions to align with what the heart desires.

“But, I really love him!” The “but” is the response after the Red Flags are placed in the brown box and taken to the back of the closet of our hearts. The “but” is the work that we do to muzzle the sound of the warnings. Stay with me, this is not a Buzz Killer to your February 14th. It’s a moment of empowerment to be able to assess and embrace the gift of the Spirit to lead us to all Truth.

There is something to prolonging the inevitable. In your heart of hearts, you already know. Societal norms say that surely you will not walk away from a relationship that is giving you 40% to go to 0, because you will be all alone for Valentine’s Day. At least wait until the day after, right? What an impoverish way of life to live when God has granted us abundant life!

Let’s look at the 40% to 0 scenario. The sober truth of knowing that the suitor has not come with 100 and that the desire for companionship, by any means necessary, has allowed 40% to be accepted. The insult to injury is thinking that choosing what God has chosen for you would put you back at 0.

It is impossible to wait on God and start at a deficit. Walking away from what is not His best for you actually puts you at a surplus, because you have chosen the Will of the Father. There will be nothing like walking into February 14th, the day that He has made, and your heart pure and absent of decisions connected to FOMO.

Beloved, His Will is so divine and endearing that being equally-yoked will become a must when we fall in love with God. Our desire to please Him becomes more important than an interest to please ourselves. I challenge you to do a study on being equally-yoked. It is not just about romantic relationships. It is a conscious effort to always remain mindful of the plan of the Father. Remember, when two get together, it should be so life-giving and fruit-producing that 40% will not do- because both will come with 100% and God will give the increase.

Divine Work and Pray:

Work: Jot down the Pros to doing Relationships God’s Way, as you embrace the safeguard of being equally-yoked. What are some life-giving exchanges that are found in being equally-yoked?

Pray: Father God, the One who has captured my heart. Make me so in tune with your plan that it takes precedence in my life. May I embrace the beauty of waiting on You. Expose the deepest thoughts that would hinder You from being Lord in my life concerning relationships. May we be gifts to one another and may our connection forever acknowledge Your presence!

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

A Beautiful Struggle: An Oxymoron or Graduation Statement?

Let’s go right into the thoughts of what is deemed as beautiful. What is usually aesthetically pleasing to the eye is that which is surface level. Someone’s face, their shape, or physique is what grabs one’s attention before saying they are beautiful. The old adage, “Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder”, this subjective argument based on the person in view of who or what is being assessed. Let’s talk about Beauty being viewed objectively; for it being more than skin deep.

I recently saw a video of a gentleman in a wheelchair, and he was pushing his infant daughter in a stroller. He dismembered his wheelchair and her car seat before he drove off from the park. He did all the aforementioned without assistance from anyone. It was one of the most beautiful sights to behold. It was not just viewing someone with a disability, but seeing a doting father meet the needs of his daughter and not allowing his struggles to overshadow the beauty of their interaction.

Many times, in life we can be faced with debilitating news, things that can impede our daily routine. However, struggles can still be seen differently. They can become beautiful by the way that we take them on. The Hope of God continues to reign supreme. It is a hope that will not fail us in moments of struggle. Two people can go through a horrific car accident and get the news that each one is paralyzed from the waist down. One refuses to accept the prognosis and they go to work. Their motivation is to prove the doctors wrong. Night and day, they are working on strengthening their legs. They are doing all that they know to walk again. Their personal trainer even notices their will power and commitment to their goal. A year passes, and this individual gets news that his hard work paid off!

The other gentleman, who got the same news of being paralyzed, took another course that led him down a different path, but with the same outcome! When he received the news, he called on his family to pray with him. He began to get in a still place to hear from God concerning what he needed to do with the information that was given to him and how God would use him even during this time. He began therapy and every chance that he got; he would talk about the goodness of God. He talked about how God spared his life and that whatever the outcome, it would be for the glory of God. His demeanor got the attention of the staff and they would rush to sign up to be the one to work with him daily. This gentleman even found himself talking with others who received the same prognosis as he did.

As time progressed, he found himself getting stronger and stronger. He had feeling again in his legs. The interesting thing about his journey was the level of intensity he had in praising God through every stage. You see, he mastered the Art of Divine Living by seeing the beauty behind the struggle. What was initially a tragic incident turned into a moment for him to slow down and assess how God was going to use him. He became a beautiful billboard for Christ. He gained more than mobility in his lower extremities; he also gained a perspective that could not be taken from him. He matured in how he interpreted his struggle.

Both men got what they desired, but one got a lot more- a chance to see struggle from a vantage point of beauty. His motivation was not to prove anyone wrong; it was to prove the “rightness” of God! For whatever He allows our paths to experience, He will remain righteous! Psalm 96 is titled: A Song of Praise to God Coming in Judgment. Can our hearts see praise and judgment in the same sentence and still think of something being beautiful? So, I ask you again, “Is a Beautiful Struggle an oxymoron or graduation statement?” Being triumphant in our thinking as a Beholder will most certainly allow us to see “Beautiful Struggle” as the latter! With a heart that is set to see the bigger picture, not only will we be able to see beautiful in our struggles, but also gratefulness for how God continues to prepare and mature us.

Oh, sing to the Lord a new song!
Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Sing to the Lord, bless His name;
Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.
3 Declare His glory among the nations,
His wonders among all peoples.
4 For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the Lord made the heavens.
6 Honor and majesty are before Him;
Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.
7 Give to the Lord, O families of the peoples,
Give to the Lord glory and strength.
8 Give to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come into His courts.
9 Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth. Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns; The world also is firmly established, It shall not be moved;
He shall judge the peoples righteously.”
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; Let the sea roar, and all its fullness;
12 Let the field be joyful, and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the woods will rejoice
13 before the Lord. For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth.
He shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with His truth.
— Bible Gateway

Divine Work & Pray:

WORK: Jot down in your Divine Design Journal some of your current struggles. Next to it, create a response space after you go into prayer concerning the issues that have been plaguing your heart.

PRAY: See the aforementioned passage of scripture Psalm 96 and meditate on it for the week.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

What’s Love have to do with February? Everything!

Imagine the month with the least days, stirring up the most emotion in our hearts. Think about the view that God has concerning His love for us when it is eclipsed each February by whether or not we have a Valentine? There is a Gospel song entitled, “There is no greater love” but do we really believe that? Do we believe that the category of love that God has for us should be so fulfilling that we go into February grateful? Are we lovesick for God? Do we long for the time that we will spend with Him for all eternity? I asked these questions to begin a discussion on a Love Story that goes far beyond February 14th. What is it really for God to say, “I will never leave you nor forsake you?” My brother, my sister, we can be with someone who is a Gift from God, sent from Heaven, but he or she will still fail us. They will miss the mark. They will at times, leave us bewildered, but the One who is able to make that statement and back that up is not as thought about or sought after on Valentine’s Day.

Why is that? When I ask that question, do your thoughts immediately go to me being unreasonable and making light of the longing of companionship? If your thoughts did, I am happy to park there for a moment, and even pay the parking meter. A great soldier not only knows their game plan, they become knowledgeable about their enemy. We have a real Enemy, who makes attempts to come through anything that he can. It can be a holiday, a wedding invitation, or even fears of not having desires met. The catalyst to being able to navigate through feelings that are precipitated by holidays and occurrences that trigger various things in us is to hit it head on. It is about genuinely addressing and replacing those feelings with a fruitful exchange. God has a way of making us whole and filling voids in our lives. If we are really honest, do we choose to skip that class, because we either want to wallow in those feelings or we want to help God out in the area of relationships?

There is this interesting dynamic that can happen in the heart to feel the need to share that you have been chosen. This year, I was hit with one of the most sobering truths. I remember telling people, although I have never been married, a wedding ring was purchased for me. I held on to that for years. Until God unearthed that statement recently. What was near my bedrock of my foundation was the feeling of, “Well, at least a ring was bought.” So, I go on thinking, we are one category higher than someone who never had a ring purchased for them. Intimacy with God will unveil a plethora of safeguards that we have around our hearts. The painful truth was that for years, I was not focused on how much I let that relationship move me away from God, because the prize was the ring. The major focus was not about two becoming one to impact the Kingdom for God, I was more concerned with let me at least get something out of all I felt I had gone through.

There are some heartfelt conversations that you can have with yourself as you approach February. The Divine Work & Pray will be geared to placing the mirror front and center, a telling glass that has become cloudy with an image that does not reflect the positioning of your heart. The best healing comes from a vulnerability that shares an unsightly truth. Isaiah 61:3 tells us that God will give beauty for ashes. It is just like God to be able to take the ugliest moments of our lives and with a repentant heart, take what was meant to kill us to be a part of our testimony for His faithfulness. At the end of the day, your purpose is far greater than making a decision on February 14th that will negatively impact the remaining 321 days! God has given Believers, who are single the gift of knowing that you are loved; you’re so profoundly loved that He gave His only begotten for you to experience everlasting love.

Divine Work & Pray:

WORK: Utilize the Divine Design Journal to jot down thoughts that have plagued you for years, as February 14 approached. Identify scripture that becomes an answer of triumph to those thoughts and emotions. There are a number of activities that you can do on February 14th, such as: schedule a dinner with friends; visit a Senior Citizen Assistant Living facility and gift them with flowers and cards; or spend it with your first love, Jesus Christ and read from the greatest Love Story ever told.

PRAY: To the Lover of my Soul. The plans of the Enemy will not work this year concerning a day that you have made. February 14th belongs to You. I am so grateful for the people whom you have put in my life, who are an extension of Your love. I will no longer be plagued with the thoughts of lack on February 14th, because there is no lack in You. Every void in my life you have filled; and if and when there is an area that You allow someone else to be a part of - my greatest love will still be for You. May I remain lovesick for You and You alone. Give me a mature love, a love that is so contagious and plenteous that it shows the work that you can do in a surrendered heart. That I may go through life not always on the defensive, but offensively telling of Your goodness and enamored with Your ways. This is my prayer, in the Name of my first love, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

“To Trust or Not to Trust: Is that really the Question?”

Trust is an interesting phenomenon when coupled with emotions and experience. When trust is betrayed, it can become Alcatraz in the heart. An impenetrable place until it is escaped. In 1962, three men escaped a place that was lauded for its fortified wall. The place that was once a penitentiary is now a National Recreation area for tourists. In the natural, a place that was meant to keep people out is now an open door for the masses. The Word of God tells us in Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” How many times do we attempt to bring our emotions and experiences in the equation of trusting God? Our hearts were never meant to be a place of Alcatraz concerning God. There is no protection that we will need concerning a loving and long-suffering Father.

Life is this continual classroom. It is this place where we cumulatively learn how to navigate and assess. I have found that being a Believer is its own educational tract. It entails constant tests, where the Greatest Teacher of all time prepares us through His Word and our time with Him. Intimacy is a gift that we have been given to learn the heart and character of God. He so beautifully shares the answers to living a surrendered life. In the natural, those men who had to surrender and acquiesce to the requirements of Alcatraz often times attached surrender to a negative connotation. As we know, we do not have to be incarcerated to share the same sentiments as them. A violation of trust in the natural, most certainly can impact how we trust God.

Trust translates to hope, reliance and confidence in Hebrew. We can rely on the reliability and strength of God. There is no one to compare to His ability and attributes. We may find ourselves going down memory lane to attach occurrences of placing our hope in something and it not coming to fruition. Could it be, the pain is so intense, because we were never supposed to place our hope and confidence in people? It is wise to want to have truthful relationships with each other, but how much do we look at the individual over the God in them? It is God who keeps us; it is God who will allow us to carry out the act of being trustworthy. Our greatest flex as Believers in Christ is to show up with Him heavily impacting our motives and actions because we are becoming the new creature, who is now able to give Him Glory through our lives.

I ask you, is the question really whether to “Trust or Not to Trust” or does it have to do with us placing God in a category with those who have either violated our trust and ultimately the fact that they were never supposed to be the ones we placed our trust in? If we are painfully honest, we have betrayed our own trust by poor decision-making; yet when it comes down to it, we still will bet on ourselves, even if you never step foot in a casino! Trust in God is this maturation process of relationship and faith. It is this waltz dance that feels uncomfortable until we allow the rhythm of His Words to permeate our hearts. He is the perfect Instructor, who actually becomes the perfect Partner as He takes the floor with us and syncopates our heart movement and actions with His!

Divine Work & Pray:

WORK: Identify and Journal what has been incidents that have hindered you trusting God with all your heart.

PRAY: “Heavenly Father, You are the only wise God. Your plans exceed my ability to dream or fathom. I am absent of having a case against You. You have been throughout the Ages, constant and trustworthy. Your character places a demand on my life. I choose to remove the netting, because I choose to place my whole weight in trusting you. You are deserving of my trusting in You with my whole heart. Forgive me, for attaching logic and failed experiences to what is required of me. I thank you for the awareness of areas that have taken the wheel from You. There is no where I want to reach where You are not trusted and you are not in the Operator’s role.

In Your precious and matchless Name, I pray. -Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Encore on Desires: When Heaven is Moved!

Embracing the Will of God when unfulfilled desires are met.

Encore on Desires: When Heaven is Moved!

How honest are we about how our desires can drive us? How they can aide or interrupt our flow? Hannah for years, was plagued with the thoughts of not having any children, while Peninnah stayed in birthing-mode. Infertility issues were Hannah’s lot until God said differently. Through the series of unfulfilled desires, the posture of Hannah should be admired. In life, we can add insult to injury by how we react to disappointment. Unfulfilled desires are quite real and can leave such a massive sting that it makes us feel like medical attention is needed. God will allow our hearts to break, but He will also be there to make sure it does not bleed out!

The story of these 2 women, Hannah and Peninnah have interesting parallels when we probe deeper into their unfulfillment. Peninnah bore several children for Elkanah, the priest, but she never really had his heart. The Bible tells us that Elkanah would give Hannah a double portion, because he loved her. Two women with unfulfilled desires, but one chose another route to her unmet requests.

Do we think of prayer and worship in moments of despair? Is it the first or last option that we think of in our time of need? Hannah cried out with her supposition and still had God in mind concerning her desire. She promised to bring her son back to be dedicated to the Lord. Prayers that get the attention of Heaven have God and His Will woven throughout them.

What I am learning in this Christian Walk is the necessity to leave room for God to say, “No.” His sovereignty by default speaks to the view He has concerning our future. Do we really believe that He knows what is best for us? It is important that we do not go to the other extreme and move to choosing not to share our heart’s desires for fear of an unfavorable response.

Life has an uncanny way of either maturing us or having us move to a remedial place because of our responses. God can hurt our feelings, but He will never fail us? It is impossible for Him to be a failure at anything. One of our biggest flexes as Believers in Christ is being able to pivot

once God speaks concerning our lives. If He tells us a season is over, can we trust the One who is able “to do exceedingly, abundantly above what we can ask or think?” -Ephesians 3:20

Work & Pray:

Work: Take the next three days journaling your heart’s response to desires that have remained unfulfilled. Jot down what may be the reasons for the non-responsiveness of God.

Pray: Father God, your care for me is immeasurable. There is no one who has the capacity to know my beginning from my end, and order my steps in a manner that aligns me with your perfect Will for my life. Keep me mindful of your infallible nature so that when my thoughts are failing, my ability to perceive is not hindered. Make me ready to hear Your response concerning a matter. Let my relationship with you be my reminder that You have always had my best interest! Gracious God, I thank you for your attention to detail concerning me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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JQ Lee JQ Lee

Living a Blessed Life: In the midst of unfulfilled desires.

Living a Blessed Life: Beyond All Heart’s Desires being Met.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” -Psalm 37:4

This is an affirming passage of scripture and rightfully so, but nothing concerning God is just face value.

A thought may be to focus on giving God what He wants to get what we want, but Living a Blessed Life is so much bigger than checking off what heart desires have and have not been met. That passage goes on to say in verse 6, “He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.” There is a beautiful transfer, yet uneven exchange that takes place when we surrender to Christ. Wrapped up in the gift of New Life is God’s ability to take an unrighteous heart- one that became dull and functioning at a subpar level to one that shines and pumps vindication.

I remember a time when I connected being blessed by what I had obtained. I took the measures for the sprint up the corporate latter and as I climbed, my ambition to do so was eclipsed by getting to know Jesus Christ more intimately. In the relationship going beyond face value, I began to see the value in what He considered being blessed. To live a life poured out and to give Him Glory. To touch the lives of others in a multi-faceted manner where they experience His love for them through you.

As we begin to delight in God, we find enjoyment in Him. When we incline our hearts, we find where the true blessing lies. There may have even been prayers that we prayed 5 years ago, and we Thank God today that they were not answered according to our desires. They say hindsight is 20/20, but acceptance of the Will of the Father gives us an undeniable foreseeing into the future.

We begin to see the process of embracing what delighting in Him produces. It becomes less reward-seeking and more appreciation-giving. It moves us from simply submitting with motives, to truly appreciating Living a Blessed Life. We most certainly have an opportunity to share our petitions before the Lord. However, how many times has the weight of being blessed been changed on the “scale of life” based on if our desires were met? We often move to quantitate what Heaven has actually qualitatively given us.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Heart

  1. Prayer

    Often times prayer is seen as a last resort, when it should be our leading option. Surrendering our lives to Christ is about settling our hearts for His Will because we know ultimately, Our Sovereign God knows what is best for us. Prayer can give us the resolve needed to be obedient and accepting.

  2. Meditating on the Word of God

    Take the time to reflect and contemplate the Word of God to gain a greater understanding of the ways He creates a masterpiece for your life. There are great benefits in getting still in God. We have created filled trophy cases off of being able to multi-task. This is why it is often challenging to maintain a laser beam focus on our study time and fellowship with the Lord.

  3. Fellowship

    Connections are not simply vital in the boardroom, they are also essential in our Christian Walk. Wise counsel allows us to hear words that are approved by God and that can aide us when our judgment is skewed.

  4. Journaling

    Writing has a cathartic element and allows us to recalibrate to become more responsive, rather than reactive to events not aligning with our desired will. Journaling can become our memorial stones of growth and remembrance for how God orchestrated our lives.

  5. Acceptance of God’s Sovereignty

    It is one thing to understand God holds our future, it is another thing to wholeheartedly accept His desires for our lives. He is the Ultimate Author to our autobiography. Accepting the way in which He pens our lives creates this endless reminder of truly Living a Blessed Life!

Divine Work & Pray:

WORK: For the next 5 days, journal your heart’s desires and present them before the Lord.

PRAY: “Father God, to the only wise God, our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. I come grateful for the opportunity to present my desires to You, Abba Father. I posture my heart to hear your plans concerning my life. My greatest accomplishment will be delighting in You. I live a blessed life through obedience to You, for as Psalm 34:6 says, ‘You will make my righteous reward shine like the dawn, and vindication like the noonday sun.’ Thank you for the desires you have fingerprinted in my heart.” In Your Matchless and Mighty Name, Amen.

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