What is Your Price to Walk Away from God? Everyone has a Price…Until you don’t!

The Bible is often read in very interesting ways. There are times people read it like a Children’s Story, and other times in disbelief that the people behaved in the manner that they did with all the miraculous events that God performed. It goes without saying, that the Bible should be revered and believed. However, there are some great lessons for our growth by assessing not only the actions of others, but our potential price acceptance.

Let us have Lot’s Wife over for a moment with her feet up on our coffee table! The Word of God tells us to “Remember Lot’s wife.” There was a price that she paid on that day. She did not write a blank check. Prior to the mercy shown to them, in Genesis 19:17, “Escape for their lives; look not behind them…for they would be consumed.” Therefore, she was not oblivious to the price of looking back; yet she was willing to pay the most eternal price ever!

Do we truly assess the Price that we paid in the world? Are we honest about what it took to be snatched before destruction? Was our multiple near fatalities to sin not enough? When we continue to open our wallets for the Price to engage in this World System, we rob our Spiritual Trust Fund. As a Good Father, God has been preparing a wealth of stability, purity in mind, and the Blueprint for our actions to honor Him. but we somehow desire more, the wealth of the world!

Willing to pay whatever the Cost to make a name and get access, all while our name could be penned in the Book of Life. Somehow, a vapor of worldly success has eclipsed the everlasting stay in a place we did not have the revenue to reserve without Jesus Christ. To be rewarded Heaven when we were Spiritually-bankrupt is jaw-dropping alone!

There are a lot of statements that we may never say from our mouths, but our actions continue to do the talking for us. We really need to know what or who could persuade us to turn and pay the price? Before it/they come to sit in our living room, what measures have we put in place for them not even to gain access and pass the threshold? What have we decided not to open our wallets up to anymore? It may take longer to get to your desired goal in God, but anything that He blesses us with will always be worth the wait!

The latter part of the blog post is supposed to shock us back into the truth of the power of The Blood. “Everyone has a price…Until they don’t!” We might have started off in compromise, conflict, and irregular conviction, but we do not remain in that state. We can actually declare, “I will never be bound again, and mean that thing! Until our dash is completed here, the Enemy will always dangle a price tag before us to turn away from God. Nevertheless, the Price that Jesus paid stands as our reminder that we can no longer be bought by this World System!

It should and can get to a place where this world has nothing to offer for what you already have in Christ. Show some signs that Paid in Full covered that! No more looking back- we’re not going that way!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: I challenge you to jot down the desires of your heart, all of them. How would the Enemy come to present a tainted, perverted version of your desires?

Pray: Oh Lord, Our God, the Price that You paid through your Son has a worth that is immeasurable! The value attached to life in You has no comparison. My indebtedness to you is ever present. I pray to be vigilant concerning my Spiritual deposits. May there never be insufficient funds. Thank you for allowing me to see true riches in You. Thank you for taking me from paying whatever the world tagged happiness and success to now being able to store up wealth where it truly counts! In your Matchless & Mighty Name, Amen.


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