If it Cost You Everything, Would You Still Say Yes?

In 2007, Shekinah Glory Ministries gave us a song entitled, “Yes.” It was one of the most endearing words placed in melodic form because it asked an all or nothing question and caused the one declaring to answer from a heart place. “If it cost you everything, would your heart and soul still say yes?” This song always activated my tear ducts, in the past. However, I recently heard it and it got me on my feet, not swaying to the song; rather reporting for duty, for what is to come. There were no tears in that moment, it was the realization that everything that I thought was anything was no comparison to the One who captured my heart and I actually fell in love with!

Interesting story behind “falling in love.” In the natural, I would never actually say the words to anyone, “I fell in love with you.” Although, some of those relationships had become idols; there was something about saying “I fell” for you. It was like, I was only supposed to fall once. I was only supposed to experience a love that transcended my control and made me whole through One person alone. Jesus captured my heart in a way that changed everything! There was no way I could do earthly relationships the same! Not another relationship where lust led over Godly love.

Recently, I witnessed people all over the world gather at a place with strict rules to enter into, that was the home of a religion outside my own. I opted not to participate with the group. It was a decision met with some trepidation, because I did not know how it would be perceived by the group. Nevertheless, I remained on the bus with the tour guide and read a book honoring my God.

This blog is not designated to highlight what others did not do, it is to bring the attention to the Cost that is expected for everything outside of Christianity that is generally not questioned. There is an expectation to put your family aside to climb the corporate ladder; an expectation to leave your friends to engage in a relationship, in hopes of it materializing into marriage; an expectation to reduce your time with your circle to work on creating a family. That day at the Mosques in Abu Dhabi was met with an expectation, no matter if people agreed with the Cost or not- the rules had to be adhered to in order to have the experience.

Take a moment to assess, do we acquiesce to the rules and standards of Christianity without murmur or is there such a reverence for being in the number, that we count it an honor to get the opportunity to follow what pleases Him? That day may have brought up questions in the hearts of those I was with, but it didn’t bring up the question for me that I could not answer…”If it cost me everything, would my heart and soul still say yes?”

The delayed Shout is…the sober reality that I did not always choose to adhere to the rules of the Father. There were times I went with the crowd to avoid the heat or singling out. I did not want it to cost me everything. I still wanted to choose what would be returned and hold on to what still had my heart…UNTIL! Until the fall, until the void overflowed with His love. Until my heart and soul was met with the reality that it was a price that was not paid alone by me, but by Christ Jesus himself!

In closing, as CeCe Winans belted out…”You weren’t there, the night Jesus found me. You did not feel what I felt when He wrapped His loving arms around me. You don’t know the Cost of the Alabaster Box.” Friend, nobody knows the Cost, but you do!

Divine Work & Pray:

Work: Jot down in your journal what you consider the cost to be. What do you find yourself struggling to give God?

Pray: Father God, to the One who created, defined, and manifested love! Where would I be without you? It is an answer that drives my allegiance to you. It propels my conditioning and allows me to count the cost. It is impossible for me to give you more than what you richly have bestowed. In my hard place, may I fall more in love with you because you have promised never to leave, nor forsake me. In my grateful place, may I be like Moses, “If your presence does not go, carry me not.” In your Matchless and Mighty Name! Amen.


What is Your Price to Walk Away from God? Everyone has a Price…Until you don’t!


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