The Gift of God’s Healing Builds Us to Walk into Unimaginable Places!

Healing is not only an Act of Wholeness in God, it is also a gift that allows us to experience the dunamis power of the Father. It is a miracle bestowed upon us to keep the most powerful thing- the first thing. It will never share position with what hurt you; betrayed you; nor broke your Spirit! Too often, we think about the ability to do acts simply from our human being status. However, as Spirit beings, there are characteristics that align with who God is and what we are able to carry out through Him.

Let’s look more at the Gift of Healing that was given to us. Do we really delve into the thought of God giving you a Gift? Do we take the time to understand that there is No Lack in anything that God gives us. Take it off the shelf with anything else. There is no tragedy or injustice that trumps being able to experience complete healing!

The perspective that God gives us concerning healing goes beyond a fleshly understanding. Every time that we hold on to hurt, we allow ourselves to be re-injured. It is like voluntarily signing up to fight a heavy weight champion, with no protective measures. The Healing of God, it protects our heart. Not from a place of never being hurt again; rather it does not allow the offense or trial to take permanent residence in our hearts!

Saints, we continue to miss our shout! Matthew 15 speaks of a Canaanite woman who petitions Jesus to heal her daughter of her demons. Many will harp on the initial response of Jesus, but if we remain mindful of there being no unfairness or ill-will in Him, like the Canaanite woman did. We will be able to keep the first thing first- the healing of her daughter, not a possible offense. Going for broke in faith and how we approach God can truly cause Him to take notice. Her posture of humility as she knelt and her desperation as she asked in spite of…is really a great example on what we often forfeit by holding on to what attributed to our hearts being broken.

I would be remiss, if a light was not also shed on Healing from Loss. There are 5 Stages to the Grieving Process: Denial , Anger, Bargaining , Depression, and Acceptance. I share them not to expound on them, as much as they are written today to say that it does not end there. The Healing of God will help us to triumphantly get through each stage. We try to do so such in our own strength. When it is really the joy of the Lord that is our strength. If Grief is given an unending status, it robs God of the Glory and the potency that His Word has over our lives. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” It then goes on to say in verse 4, “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” God does not intend for us to stay in Seasons indefinitely. The Master orchestrates a plan for us to be able to move through the ebbs and flows of life with grace and obedience.

I bring this power of the pen moment to a close talking about pivots that Believers must be prepared to make through this Journey. David and Joab have a powerful exchange in 2 Samuel 19, after being told that David’s son, Absalom is no longer with them. David was reminded of his responsibility in the midst of mourning his son. The natural inclination is to think, that it would be insensitive of Joab to belt out such a statement, but spiritually, when souls continue to be on the line- God can and will require acts of us beyond our human ability. I propose to you the thought of God knowing just how encompassing His Healing is; our Sovereign God knows the Work of His Wholeness. From the View of God, nothing shall be impossible for us to carry out when it comes to His Will being manifested!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal some areas you feel like have not been healed, because you are still holding on to hurt & loss. Identify areas that God has healed you in and what the process took for you to get to that place in Him.


Father God, to the One who is able to rescue; set free; and make me entirely over. Thank you for allowing healing to be my portion. It is a feast that continues to give substance and life. Your healing allows us to remain laser beam focused on what You are doing in the earth realm. Keep us mindful of the responsibility and accountability to have Your ear. I remain in awe of Your care, love, & provision. You have healed wounds that once bled out on others. Oh, but now…we get to share that there is a Balm in Gilead! In Your Matchless Name, I pray. Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️


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