Girls Trip Gone Right- We are Stronger Together!

Recently, I was invited to join a dear Sister/Friend for her milestone birthday out of the country, with her friends. I do not typically take Girl Trips with people I do not know. However, a welcomed exception was made for this jewel of a woman! I do not remember ever inviting her to anything that she has not made arrangements to support.

Where did the original trepidation come from, you may ask? Well, if anyone has gone on a Girls Trip with people whom you know and it was met with challenges, envision being around people you have never met and wondering if your personalities would gel. It really got me to pondering on how much we could miss out on, because we have allowed a past experience to be cemented in our hearts in a permanent marker instead of written in pencil, so that it can be replaced by a better one.

The Honoree implemented some wonderful means for us to transition into a trip that will go down in the history books as, “A great time was had!”

Here are some Transitional Tools for a great Trip:

•Create a Group Thread

•Host a Virtual Meet up before the Trip

•Share Travel Arrangements for Travelers to arrive and depart together

•Increase the excitement by sharing an Itinerary

•Share Videos concerning the Travel Destination

•Create some Theme Days for Attire & Unity

The Honoree came out of her own comfort zone to pull off her Birthday Excursion. She had sister/friends in mind for who she would invite, but she did not know if their schedules would permit, or even if they would agree to go out of the country. There is something so beautiful about God placing things on your heart and through obedience, not only you, but the ones who participate get a chance to experience the wonderful and rich fruit of that decision!

Each day built up an exceptional encounter with eight women! The early morning risings to get dressed; the late night chats and laugh ‘til you cry moments; and even the first time activities that were planned to get us to authentically experience the island.

This Girls Trip dispelled and debunked the thoughts that many have about women getting together. Not one day of cattiness or offense. Each guest made a concerted effort to be mindful of the group dynamics and respecting each other. Our love for the Honoree took front and center.

I believe what was birthed out of that trip were hearts that were open to the possibilities outside of our comfort zones. I was compelled to write a blog on the experience, because often times, what makes the headlines are the Drama-filled, Housewives Reality television trips! Phenomenal Girls Trips should not only be shared, but also more actively planned and pursued!

Some of the phenomenal decisions made concerning the trip:

•Selecting an Air BNB option to have less restrictions concerning your stay

•Water Excursion w/ a Tour Guide

•Photoshoot at various landmarks


•Restaurants on the Marina

•Experiencing the native food

Finally, to those who may still have some reservations, here are some tips specifically for you to have a most enjoyable time:

•Be open to change

•If you want to sit out for one of the outings, respectfully share and refrain from complaining about it being too much to do. *Remember, everyone is experiencing different things all in the same space

•Make an effort to socialize and get to know one another

•Be intentional about decreasing the stress level of the Guest of Honor

•Be respectful of the time share- from communal space to even conversations

I end this Blog, giving a Huge Bouquet of Thanks to the fabulous Guest of Honor, Reebs for pulling off a magnetic and exhilarating Girls Trip! You showed the beauty in women getting together and celebrating one another! Reebs, you did that!

Divine Work & Pray:


Jot down in your journal some challenges you have had with Girls Trips and how it has impacted your view on them. If you have never experienced one, are you inspired to do one? If so, jot down some names and get to dialing.


Father God, there are so many things that we can learn about your growth process by availing ourselves. May past experiences not hinder us from the beauty of new ones. Your Word tells us to “fight to keep the unity of the brethren.” Your Living Word also tells us that, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly…” Thank you for the opportunity afforded to us to be our Sisters’ Keepers. We are stronger together. May connections that are rich in love, favor, wisdom, and understanding be our portion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

To fully embrace the DD Blog Experience, Head over to Amazon for the Divine Design by JQ Journal, to accompany your Power of the Pen Moment. 🖊️


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