Prayer: A Lowly & Faithful Posture, Not just a Panic Petition.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Prayer, this communion and continual exchange with God. It is the Ultimate Dialogue. It is this first priority; rather than last resort act. One may read the aforementioned passage of scripture and wonder how it would be possible to pray without ceasing. Your mind may immediately go to all that is done in the course of a day and the responsibility that is placed on you. Do we take the time to acknowledge that the One who gives us the strength to get through the days riddled with “Must Do Lists” desires and deserves time with us?
We often look for outs to say why something may not be able to be done; therefore seeing “praying without ceasing” as an impossible task will cause us to miss being able to look for the beautiful ins that praying gives us with the Lord! Praying without ceasing comforts, redirects, settles, and guides. It is a posture to seek the ways and Will of the Father.
I think my life took a great shift when I really understood that Prayer is a dialogue; not this petition of monologues of me simply bringing to God what I want. Intimacy with God brings about this level of access that ushers in a Heart Speech that even when the Speech is a Hard Word, because of that relationship and what has been invested, it is still received.
Being able to go to God in our time of trouble is greatly appreciated. However, in a human relationship, what would your view be of someone who says they love you, but only wants to see you when they are downtrodden? God really wants to have an intimate and growing relationship with us. He desires for us to have the opportunity to learn more of Him through prayer and fellowship.
The lowliness of prayer keeps us in right standings. We must approach Him with a mindful heart of His sovereignty and honor. We are not to go to Him commanding, nor should we petition Him in a way that assumes that His Will will always align with our desires. While we are still putting the luggage in the car, His Thoughts are already at the destination.
A faithful posture of prayer places the onus on us to believe. God has already shown His trustworthiness and ability to carry out what He has purposed. In your time of prayer do not rush the moment of adoration unto Him. We are going before the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords!” The One who is “I am that I am.” The One who has never lost a battle! That Truth deserves the correct posture and response. Just as we trusted our natural fathers not to drop us- How much more, Our Heavenly Father?
Divine Work & Pray:
Jot down in your journal some of the challenges that you have experienced in your prayer life. What has been hindrances in you having a beautiful dialogue with God?
Father God, so much is found in having a relationship with you. Your presence is more than life to me. The vastness of your love and tender care settles my thoughts and aligns my heart with your Will. I will continue to humble myself under your mighty hand. Father God, be glorified even in my prayer life. May I remain confident in your Will and not my own. May this alabaster pour forever be poured with the cost in mind of what Your Son has paid. Thank you for capturing my heart, mind, and soul. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.