A Bridge Must be Built Before You Cross It: There is Safety in Process!
“London bridges falling down, falling down. London bridges falling down, my fair lady.” This old nursery rhyme has much speculation concerning its origin. Some stories acclaim that the song’s depiction is related to years of structural damage and dilapidation of the London Bridge over the years and yet there being a desire to repair it.
BigRentz, a leader in Construction Rental Equipment talks about the 5 Steps in Building a Bridge:
•Site Inspection and Planning
•Setting the Foundation
•Installing Piers and Bridge Supports
•Completing the Superstructure
•Final Quality and Safety Inspections
In the Site Inspection and Planning Stage, the surrounding soil is examined for “strength, depth, land layout and other elements to ensure the safety and durability of the final structure.” Way before crossing the bridge, the surroundings are assessed.
The Bridge to the Cross:
Examining the surrounding people, places, and things will allow us to see if they can withstand the Weight of the Cross. Will the Weight of His Glory be in the forefront when developing? Is the Cost considered or is there a haste to cross more than there is to build it according to His specifications like [they] did concerning the Temple?
In Setting the Foundation, piers are structurally planted to ensure the sustainability of the weight that is to come. The selection of the materials is essential to the structure remaining.
The Bridge to the Cross:
Our foundation as Believers, will determine truly what we are made of. The Bible is our material that we meditate on to sustain our structure. Our very being depends on us interpreting the Word and living thereby. The Bible is what allows our foundation to be unshakable and able to withstand any element.
In the Stage of Installing Piers and Bridge Supports, going down deep enough with the piers now allows them to build supporting structures to sustain the bridge.
The Bridge to the Cross:
In this Stage of a Believer’s Life, it is vitally important to have supporting individuals who play a part in your sustainability and ability to be used by God. Godly Counsel is not just good; it is likened to the air that we breathe. Being around those whom co-sign our carnality can cause much injury to one’s daily use by God!
In the Completing the Superstructure Stage, there is a focus on the area that will directly receive the load. It has a huge focus on withstanding elements like the wind and erosion. Materials are especially carefully selected as they will determine the level of safety connected to the bridge.
The Bridge to the Cross:
The Process of being built in one’s faith is not a light act. Nor, is it something that should be seen as a 100 yard dash. The intentionality and careful planning through the Word of God prepares us for the cross over. This also involves Heart Work. It is a protection that prevents a stony heart and creates one that is plausible and penetrating for God’s love to flow through.
In the Final Quality and Safety Inspections, several Safety Tests are implemented to ensure that the bridge will be able to stand and remain in a functioning state.
The Bridge to the Cross:
Just as in the natural, the bridge goes through a series of tests; the Believer will also be tested. God allows occurrences to take place for us to examine if our anchor holds. Have we planted in good soil? Have we considered the people, places, and things around us? Have we gone down deep enough with the piers of the Word?Crossing over the bridge was never intended for one person. It was developed for many lives to travel across it. It is not the road less traveled in regards to usage. It is the very structure that allows one to cross what at one point and time was not possible.
I end with a very popular phrase, “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” As off-putting as that may sound, it is also presumptuous in nature to think that showing up in the moment to address something and absent of the preparation to meet it will give you the power to cross it. I heard someone mention the work that an Olympic runner put in to cross over the finish line- Over 10 years to run 10 seconds!
Remember, there is Great Safety in Process! Preparation and Planning Matter! Having deep roots BiblicallyMatter! Being mindful of the number of people Crossing Matter! Hearing Well Done because you withstood and weathered the Storms of Life will Forever Matter!
Divine Work & Pray:
Jot down what you feel you have put into the building process of crossing the Bridges in your life.
Father God, you are the ultimate Engineer of my life. Thank you for the time that you spend in building me in You. Your loving kindness continues to empower me to cross over. Keep me sensitive to my crossing over always involving others. You are the difference Maker in my life. May my decisions bring Glory to You, as I continue to cross the Bridges in our lives! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.