When God Hides You in Plain Sight!
Attention, Attention…Calling all Single Saints to the floor! Have you ever considered why God would shut down access to you? Have you ever thought about the Greatest Matchmaker of all time hiding you in plain sight? Have you questioned the length of time since your last “get acquainted” season? These can be some of the most sobering and pondering moments.
God is strategic and timely. He can have the two of you live in different countries; know nothing about one another; one misses a flight and ends up having lunch in the same restaurant that you were awaiting your flight! He bumps into you by accident and the rest is his & her story.
It is more than a fairytale or cinematic encounter. Take the limits off of God for how that first meeting will unfold. There is a misnomer that often brings about an anxiousness with Believers, because people comment about them never being able to find anyone because they are always in church! That statement is waited with carnality and unbelief.
I believe a question should be introduced to this conversation of feeling the need to “put yourself out there.” Do you believe that God is involved with two meeting and eventually saying, “I Do” or is it left up entirely to the two individuals? Does His assignment for your life also factor in who you become One with?
The Bible has extraordinary examples of the triumphant and debasing connections between interested parties. Abigail had the wherewithal to run out to David to plead for the life of her husband Nabal, to spare his life. Joseph protected Mary from public shame concerning her being with child, prior to them being wedded. We also see the consequences of wrong connections! Samson’s eyes were captured by Delilah and the very same eyes were gouged out by him connected with whom God did not intend for him to be with!
One of my most treasured stories to continually glean from is the life of Esther! The story far exceeds her title as Queen! There are profound Truths in Esther that speaks to her making for the assignment. JJ Hairston has a song entitled, “Bigger.” The thought is often to believe that Bigger will involve material things, but I challenge you to expand your scope of what Bigger is in God!
Esther faced the loss of both parents, but God is Bigger! Esther is uprooted and placed in a new place to start over, but God is Bigger! Esther finds herself in a year long purification and beautification journey with many others before one would be chosen by King Xerxes, but God is Bigger! Mordecai has a talk with Esther that abruptly brings to the forefront her Assignment! An Assignment that had her by-pass what was customary and could have endangered her life, but God is Bigger!
One of the Hebrew meanings for “Esther” is to be hidden or concealed. Beloved, God hid you… for such a time as this! He hid you because He was purifying and preparing you. He placed you two in incognito-mode, as He refined you both for the Assignment. God’s Time is far beyond any calendar; far beyond any perceived time-sensitive expectation. What an amazing visual of seeing two become one and take on an Assignment from God that Saves a Nation! God’s Plan is so much Bigger than we can ever imagine! Just as Esther was hidden in plain sight, there is a day coming where you will no longer be hidden! God will say, “Look up, it is time!”
Divine Design Work & Pray:
If you know, Jot down in your journal the Assignment God has shown you concerning your life.
Say a prayer concerning God’s Plan in relation to the Assignment. If God is showing you marriage, take the time to pray for him/her in advance. Pray beyond your desire to be One. Pray for their soul and their strength to accomplish what God has intended for them.