“The Cost of a Godly Connect”
There is something so beautiful about two Seekers of God connecting. The conversation is filled with fruitful dialogue and edification. It is a safe place that allows for vulnerability and transparency. A cultivated friendship; not a rushed or forced occurrence. It is a true realization of, “How can two walk together unless they agree?” It is an impossible act to walk alongside one another going eastbound and then one of you makes an about face and walks westbound. There is no way to continue to walk together, no matter how much you love them!
A huge misnomer has swept the Body of Christ in connecting Love to Acceptance for path decisions of our Connects, who are outside the Will of God. It goes without saying, it is not easy to walk away, but the more that we line our desires up with wanting to please the Father, the more we will wear this world as a loose garment.
It is a scheme devised by the Enemy for us to either engage in envelope pushing or envelope pushing acceptance. Both are equally troubling! No Law Enforcement Officer is going to take the time to wonder who is still on the Lord’s side when the two who walk together car is stopped and a kilo of cocaine is found in the trunk! Everyone in that car, who walked together will be going to jail together! If that occurrence is understood in the natural, why do we grapple with it in the Spirit?
The circumspective walk of a Believer is the most challenging event when we fear fruit inspection. The examination that we do in the grocery store is the pre-cursor for how it looks in the Spirit. If we turn a blind eye or do not fully take the time to learn how to inspect the fruit, we will find ourselves bringing something rotten in our home; which can affect the other fruit [our other Connects]. How many have you connected who are now on a different path together- no longer walking on the narrow gate?
Love never fails, even when it has to walk away. True Love has the ability to tell the Truth, even when we do not like it or want to hear it. After all, someone who has proven their love for you should be able to be honest with you. Love from above has boundaries and sounds an alarm through the Spirit when approaching those boundaries. How many times have you been among your Connects and saw them go west, when you knew the time and energy you two spent on how you both would remain eastbound? We are living in a moment in time where the fence is packed when the Word of God tells us to be hot or cold- “hot" represented the therapeutic hot water of Hierapolis, while "cold" represented the refreshing cold water of Colossae. We must make a decision to follow Jesus and His Ways at all Cost! Who we lock arms with will always matter! A silent stance is still a stance when it comes to walking in agreement.
WORK: Journal an assessment of your Connects and what you have and have not supported. Have you ever found yourself supporting something and conviction set in? Have you ever told a Connect in Love that something did not align with the Word of God? Have you ever had to walk away from a Connect, who chose to go another direction? Take the Club Scene out of your head! People can go to church every Sunday or attach Jesus’ Name to what they do and still not walk together with Him!
PRAY: Father God, when I think of how much I owe you and how you pursued me, my soul cries out to do your Will. To see the world through your eyes. To choose Truth over Tolerance! To maintain a posture of humility; yet vigilant when it comes to identifying the hazards of compromise. Help me to be a Fruit Inspector, beginning with my fruit and those I connect myself to. There is too much work to be done for me not to be battle-ready. Friendly Fire is still a hit, and when it is all said and done- a soldier from our very own team is down! Help me to remember the Cost to Walk Together! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.