“Just Try Him” Really has No Place in the Life of a Christ Follower!
What we lead with is just as important as what we put our anchor in to ultimately reach our desired destination in God! Words are essential to the life of a Believer. We can have truly the best intentions, and miss the mark by a landslide. Through the course of this blog, think about what Jesus did and how His life pleased the Father, even when Jesus navigated through hardship.
“Just try Him” resonates as a statement that gives a comparable option. When we know that there is nothing or no one who will fulfill us like the Lord. Garments and jewelry are tried on, but never Jesus! The statement wreaks of the inability of the flesh to truly know who Jesus is and the role He plays in our lives! It is the Spirit Man who understands what is birthed by Him making us over.
“Just try Him” can have someone walk away from the Savior because after the try, everything they prayed for did not happen, as a matter of fact- the bottom literally fell out! The fallacy of “Just try Him” is a misrepresentation, because Jesus does not speak from Plan B’s. He is absolute in His delivery and our need for Him! Matthew 19:29 is not a try, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother [a]or children or farms for My name’s sake will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.” It is a mandate for what is required to be with Him for all eternity.
Accepting Christ has never been about a temporary fix. We need Him like the air that we breathe. We cheapen the desperation of our heart for a Savior by painting Jesus as One to be tried. He is not a last resort. He is the One our soul longs for. Our existence prior to Christ speaks to this barren land; an emptiness and unfulfillment not simply because things did not work out. It is our detector of the void that only Christ can fulfill.
“Just try Him” has people enter the only relationship that has eternity stamped on it like they will be met with something better. Witness to people “Just Jesus”- not Jesus & Prosperity; not Jesus & Therapy; not Jesus & A Test Drive! Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek ye’ first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added.” The latter part of Matthew Chapter 6 speaks to the anxiousness to worry when He clothes the grass of the fields, how much more will He clothe you?
Beloved, Jesus will never be a try on and off. He is a penetrator of the heart. His character changes our Spiritual DNA and exudes his sweet aroma through our pores. He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That is Staying Power Talk, Not Try on!
Divine Work & Pray:
WORK: Jot down in your journal your current image of Christ in your life. Have you been treating Him like He is one of your options or your only option? What are ways that you can strengthen your decision to be a follower of Christ?
PRAY: Father God, Thank you for fulfilling the void in my life for a Savior. The need for You has made my heart long to please You. Thank you for this beautiful image of spending eternity with You. You deserve a full surrender. Strengthen my heart to choose your path no matter what comes. May my heart and mind be in sync to Your heartbeat and plan. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.